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      Welcome to My Outwars page. Outwars
is an intense Action game created 
by Singletrac and published by Microsoft
I thought I'd put this  page here to try and 
convince people who don't own Outwars to go
out and buy it. The single player missions 
are quite entertaining and require a bit of 
     strategy, but I think the best aspect of the game 
       is multiplayer play at The Internet Gaming Zone
 I am Rugratt, of the clan Roughnecks
known to a lot of the players at The Zone as 
a field journalist I guess.  They call me that 
because I've been spending a lot of time taking
screen captures in games, or photos. Here on my 
site is my little album I put together from some
of my experiences in the game.  The first page of
the gallery is from the single player missions, the
rest of my collection has been put together with
the help of many players at The Zone, and is 
still growing. If you think you'd look good
(maybe as a fireball .. hehe)  in a photo here
in my gallery, then find me on the zone 
sometime, or email me.                            
Well, I just have to tell everyone about the 
Tournament.  The Roughnecks have dominated.
RN Veteran squad took the gold, with no losses
The final match was down to RN Veterans
(RN_Gonjo, RN_BPjones, RN_Atlas,
 lead by myself) vs RN Elites,
(RN_TriggerHappy, RN_MuskOx, 
RN_Midnight, lead by RN_Koko)
ending at 2566V - 2092E. 

I gotta hand out a little justice to all those 
squads who had to play with only 3, or even 2 
players, and are probably pretty pissed right
now, like our Elites, and Jyhad. But the
Veterans did take the final round with 
only 3 players. 
Maybe a miracle will happen and we'll get 
a patch before the next tournament, and
maybe they'll plan a little better next time
and it'll be a little more organized. 

Last Update: I am Retired, and awaiting
the release of Tribes.
Join The Outwars Ring! Next Outwars Site This Outwars Webring site is owned by Rugratt.
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