Santosh's Home Page

Welcome to my web server running on Windows 95.

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To access my joke page, which features a new joke every day, click here.

Let me tell you about myself (my favorite topic in life).
I am a very self-critical, modest(!), introverted Scorpio. My major purpose in life is to find out the purpose of life!

For those of you who judge people by their appearances,

I am in full technicolor.

Having seen me in all my glory, some of you may have become maritally inclined towards me.
Here is what I am hoping my bride to be will be like.

You meet my requirements! Great! E-mail me at a photograph of yourself along with your vital statistics and things will happen.

My hobbies are reading, watching movies, listening to great music, surfing the internet, and short wave radio.

So what do you think of my home. Care to tell me about it
If you are pretty paranoid about your privacy, as I am, then send me e-mail at
Or else do it right here by signing my guest book.
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