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Hi! I am Nita Parekh.If you would like to know more about me, read on. I am an Indian, from Surat, Gujarat. A major part of my education (high school, graduation, post-graduation and M.Phil.) was carried out in Jabalpur (M.P., India). Then I moved on to New Delhi where I did my Ph.d. from School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University. The Ph.d. thesis focussed on the phase ordering kinetics of binary systems in presence of disorder and anisotropic fields. After my Ph.d. I worked at the Chemical Engineering Division, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, where I stayed for a period of three years. Here I worked on the characterization and control of spatiotemporal chaos in chemical reaction-difusion systems. Then I moved to the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad where I worked on the control of spatiotemporal dynamics in biological systems, e.g., population models, excitable systems.
Here I was for two years and then moved to U.S. I worked for a year at the Center for Theoretical and Computational Materials Science, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Maryland, U.S.A. Here I worked on the mechanical properties of polymer systems. I worked as a domain specialist at the bioinformatics division of iLabs Ltd., Hyderabad, for about two years. Here my work involved  mathematical modeling to develop software products for biologists/bioinformaticians. At present I am a faculty at International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Hyderabad.






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