Welcome to webpage of
Banibrata Dutta










Hi, my name is Banibrata Dutta. This page is under construction as you can see, and not the most appealing sight out here, but it’s getting better. J


My Resume :-


Know all about me, my work, what I do, and what I’d like to do. [Click Here]

You can reach me at














My Links :-


Work related :-

·        Commandments of Debugging (http://www.geocities.com/banibrata_dutta/debugging.html)

·        SIP general (http://www.sipforum.com)

·        SIP general (http://www.sipcenter.com)

·        My SIP work (CLICK HERE for SIP Work folder)

·        GSM , CAMEL work (CLICK HERE for GSM folder)


Fun related :-

·        The best search site (www.google.com)

·        The best news forum (www.google.com = discussion)