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Last Updated : 09 / 06 / 99
Most of these pages are still Under Construction!
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The Official 4th Coming Site

This website is maintained by Vircom Inc., the company that produces and sells server licenses for the 4th Coming. If you are a player and fan this site has a "Players Corner". If you are interested in running a T4C server for your clientele, the rest of the site has a lot to offer you.

The 4th Coming Web Ring Headquarters

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Everything you need to know about Vircom's latest - "The 4th Coming" is a large Internet Multiplayer game where more than 100 people from around the globe can play at a time. Independant servers worldwide mean that you can play locally with very low lag.

20th May, 1999
Well, I'm halfway to finishing the Experience. The Levels are done ( Thx Calgary ;)), also i changed the side bar. Might be easier to get around.

16th May, 1999
In a day or so I will be doing all the Experience pages - Character and Monsters, as you can see right now its pathetic.

15th May, 1999
Sorry about the error that was occuring later today, and it has been fixed, as you can see. Also for some reason some of the images are not loading correctly, I apologise and will correct this as soon as possible.

The 4th Coming Web Ring made possible by the Webring.