<BGSOUND SRC="/dan_618/Tribute_9-11.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Dan's Personal Web Page
Hobbies and Interests: Play Darts, Softball, Photography, and Bowling.
My name is Dan Hier. I currently reside in Glendale, AZ where I am in the MIS/IT industry . If you would like to know more about me please email me.
Thank you for stopping by. I would appreciate any input to make my page better. Since I am new to this. Please sign my guestbook so I know who's checked this page. Thank you.
Dart Master Inc.
Photo Album Page
Here Are Some of My Links:
To view my Resume:
To view my Photo Album:
For astrological daily info.
For the best Dart accessories:
Daily Horoscope
God Bless Us All & America.