This page is updated whenever I have the time. Please check back often so that you can become just as frustrated as me over how infrequently that actually is.

About me.

Honking big picture of me. (You're probably better off not seeing it.) Well, if like everyone else, you judge people by what they do for a living, then I suppose I'd better announce that I was until recently a database cum CGI cum whatever else gets thrown at me programmer for the Wholesale Division of OzEmail Access 1, an Australian Internet Service Provider. I started off on the helpdesk in September of 1996, but quickly escaped to an MIS programming position in April 1997, where I worked until March 1999.

I was going to leave the company at that point, except that I was offered piles and piles of money to do six weeks' contracting work for the Wholesale Division. (They drove a dump truck full of money up to my house! I'm not made of stone!)

My resume is not quite as interesting as Douglas Adams', but I have also worked as a Computer Technician at Penleigh & Essendon Grammar School for a year. I also had a spectacularly brief career as a service station attendant, but IMHO the less said about that, the better.

I was born on January 24, 1972 in Melbourne, Australia, and that is where I have lived most of my life - except for two years spent in Malaysia, and ten months in the United States. I went to Primary School at the late, lamented Templestowe Primary School, and to High School at Xavier College. I took four-and-a-half years - including a ten month exchange at the University of California, Davis - to get my three year Computer Science degree from the University of Melbourne.

The photograph next to this text is now out of date, as I now seem to have a beard. This was not intentional, but was in fact the result of a) being in the habit of shaving only when I need to look presentable; b) being a computer programmer and thus not needing to look presentable on a day-to-day basis; and c) having no social life to speak of.

Note to NitPickers: That's not a beard in the photograph - it's a goatee.

BTW, don't bother to email me about b) above implying c). I already thought of it, and it's really not very funny.

Hobbies & Interests.

Other stuff on this site.

Other Links and pages.

Access One Staff Homepages

The following Access One staff have created homepages. I guess I have to put them in, since I work with them every day.

Byron Brink Andrew Connor Sherry Cox Anthony Gould

Paul Kavanagh Andrew McDonald Andrew Rosewarne Daniel Zanatta

Homepages of Close Friends, Acquaintances, and People I met once.

Yes, of course this is a desperate attempt to appear more popular. What of it?

From my Xavier College Days

James Bowditch Tom Reynolds

From my time at the University of California, Davis

Jason Gabler Chris Lambertus Jim Hoagland Steve Wormley

Last Updated June 18, 1999

Comments, Questions, Suggestions? Send 'em to me at glamma@iname.com