Steve Davis's Try AT "HTML"

Hello. My name is Steve Davis.

Right now I really have nothing to show you at this web site except for this one feeble page. You see, I am just now learning how to build a web site.

I am learning about this "spooky" computer language called "HTML". This is the language which describes how a web page looks. Some smart computer and internet people told me that this language is pretty straigt forward, "nothing spooky about it at all". Yeah, easy for them to say.

There are a lot of great things about the internet. However, when you ask one of these smart technical guys to explain something, they many times give you an answer which leaves you more confused, or at least makes you think: "Boy, this is really sounding spooky to me".

I found out what "HTML" stands for.
It stands for:


So, did that clear things up for you?
Yeah, me neither.

I guess that I am just a practical guy. If it were up to me, instead of calling this language "HTML", I would probably call it something simple, and straight forward. Maybe I would call it:


"TLWSHTWPSLOYCS" of course stands for:


Hopefully, in the near future I will have learned enough about this "HTML" stuff, so that I can put something usefull on this web site. I think that would be better than me just rambling on and on about nothing important, the way I have been doing so far on this page.

Until then:

Thanks for stopping in, and happy surfing.