
Hello. I am new to Old Time Radio but enjoy listening to the various shows. Below is my current OTR collection. All of the shows are in MP3 format with an occasional Real Audio program thrown in. I welcome trades. I am especially looking for the following programs: Dragnet, Gunsmoke, Amos and Andy, Escape, Jack Benny, Pat Novak, and Whistler. In fact I will trade for any OTR programs I don’t have but don’t care much for the All Music formats (i.e. Frank Sinatra Sings, Bing Crosby, George Miller, etc.)

Sound Quality

Like most people, I want to get the best quality recordings possible. I am always looking for a better sounding copies than the ones I possess. There are many "purists" in the OTR community that only want first or second generation recordings. Also, there are many who only want Reel to Reel or cassette copies. I am NOT one of them. I am just a fan who wants to listen to programs I enjoy. If the only copy of a program available is one of poor, but listenable, condition I will gladly take it. I trade in digital format because the compression methods allow me to get 100+ shows on a single recordable cd.


It is my understanding that all of the programs in my collection are in the public domain. I do not profit financially from trading these programs. I just want the enjoyment of listening to these Golden Oldies. If you are a copyright owner of any of these titles, please let me know and I will remove the title from my list and delete the files.


I trade for MP3 and Real Audio formats on recordable (CDR) cd roms. If you have shows or programs I don’t have, please e-mail me at or try this E-mail if that doesn't work. As I said earlier, I will trade for any OTR programs with the exception of all music formats. I especially want Gunsmoke and Dragnet programs I don't have. If you see a program without information in the logs, it means I am unsure of either the date or program title. If you have either, please e-mail me. I would appreciate it. Shows with an asterick (*) are ones in Real Audio Format. All others are MP3.


I only have two files to offer right now. I eventually hope to put three shows a week on this page for downloading. I hope you enjoy these.

Adventures of Nero Wolfe Aired: 12/29/50 Name: Case of the Bashful Body Click on the name to download.

Gunsmoke Aired: 01/15/55 Name: Chester's Murder Click on the name to download

If anyone has any requests, please e-mail.

I have a huge update coming soon. I will be adding 20 cd's worth of shows. In the mean time, please look at the "All OTR" to see what I have.


The following are good sources for OTR.

[OTR Faq] A great place to start. Explains the basics.

[ The Vault ] - Great Download site and bulletin board system. All of the people have been great and there are 13 gigabytes of downloads available.

[PA Perkins Radio Reruns] - Pa Perkins-- A great source for all things OTR

[ Fission Tech ] Another Great Download site.

[ WSFM OTR GUIDE ] a great place to find download sites that update their listings frequently.

[The Old Time Radio Line-up] a fun place to get your OTR "fix". I highly recommend.

[ Logs ] A great site for logs of some classic radio programs like Dragnet, Gunsmoke, Etc.

[Another Log] This is more extensive than the previous link.


My OTR Collection

A-L Amos & Andy through Lone Ranger

M-Z Mel Blanc Show through Whistler

A-Z All shows

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Last Updated 08/15/99