The Wahuni

Two little foxes; Outcasts of their family,
making their own in a world full of danger.
Though friends may be found as well as foes;
and together, they are the Wahuni, and this is their story.

Meet the characters.
Find out how it all began.
Read their tales.
See who's responsible for it all.

"Alegria - I see a spark of life shining,
Alegria - I hear a young minstrel sing,
Alegria - Beautiful roaring scream, of joy and sorrow,
So extreme; There is a love in me raging,
Alegria... A joyous, magical feeling.

~ Cirque Du Soleil, 'Alegria'

'The Wahuni' concept and Prologue is the (s)queeproperty of Ras aka Matata
She will make this page look more spiffy later.
All characters are the loving (s)queeproperty of their creators and players,
as are all descriptions, poses and illustrations.
Many thanks for all that everyone puts into this. You rock. n.n
The cute foxy icon is from Livejournal's sets.