Just click below to go the section you want! To get your emulator and games!










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Welcome to the wild world of Emulation!

Remember all the old games you played when you were only a nipper?

Well with emulation you can re-live the great time you had then,

using your trusted PC! Firstly you pick what computer or console you

want to play the games for, then you get your favorite games! It is

as easy as that!

I want games! now!!!

"Where do you get the games ?" I hear you ask! Well you get them

off the internet for free or you could go and buy an old console (this

could be very hard!) The easier, first way is to get them off the

internet! "But where do you get the emulators and games?" I hear

you ask! Will you can get them here of course!

What games can I get???

Well you can get all the emulators on this site! You can get a SNES,

Megadrive, NES, Gameboy, Virtual boy, Saturn, Playstation, and the

not even released outside of Japan, Dreamcast emulator!! and the

N64 emulator!

On this site there is 100's of games for you to download! Games for

the SNES, Megadrive, NES, Gameboy, Virtual boy and the mighty

Nintendo 64!

All you have to do it click on the links at the side to go to the

section you want games from! you have to download the emulator

first before you can play the games!


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Since 6 May 99

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