Tagagotchi 2000 1.1

Tagagotchi is a tool for trimming filenames and setting ID3 tags to MP3 files. ID3 tag is a short (128 bytes) field where you can save some info of the song (title, artist, album, year, genre and a comment). Most mp3-players can edit the tag fields but when you encode hundreds of songs and then set the tags to them by typing... then you need Tagagotchi. More info.

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Playboyster 1.4

Playboyster is a tool for creating playlists (those *.m3u files). Designed especially for those who burn their own MP3-cds and like to have playlists included on the disc. Playboyster recursively scans directories and creates playlists (playlist filenames are taken from the directory names). Handles Winamp 1.x/2.x-style playlists. If you use 2.x style playlists and utilize the ID3-tags, a full CD-R of mp3s loads into Winamp in a flash! Playlists can be painful to create by hand. Solution: use Playboyster. More info.

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