Welcome to my Home Page

Searching for a theme. I don't know what to do this website on, but I have narrowed it down to three topics.

  1. Mavis John [Still Under Construction]
    Who is that, you ask? Just an incredible songbird from the Caribbean
  2. My struggle to become an MCSE
    I'm going after MCSE qualification and may highligh it on the web
  3. Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago
  4. Cliff Jumping in the Caribbean
    Forget Acapaulco, meet some guys who know what it is to face danger in mid air

While I decide, here are a few of my favourite websites:

The photograph below is a link to the photos from Star Wars Episode II: Attact of the Clones

Are you a Star Wars fan. Be sure to visit the newsgroup with the most posts this side of alt.politics.clinton. Regulars call it RASSM, but you who are unfamiliar will probably have to check out rec.arts.sf.starwars.misc.


Here are a couple of webcams from my favourite TV channel, TechTV.