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Topics of TV repair forum

dec27 Testing Flyback Please Help Me RCA TV RCA 52IN CH TV My TV turns it self on Sony KP-53XBR45 RGB curved lines, with power off Panasonic 20" Need flyback transformer for toshiba tp4881a Picture tube surface area Mitsubishi VS-468R Convergence ProblemLost TV Sound Connecting DVD curtis mattes cmc 13101 security code for matsui 1407RS Dead Toshiba CX2780A Help Zenith Z56Z83R7 problem with sound Nokia 6363VT philips failure Zenith Model SMS7253S Video Problem any philips 33PT700B/00 schematic ? MAGNAVOX TS2728C107 damaged tuner.need parts missing coax connection Toshiba TV black box need help model52820bl projection tv (RCA) Mitsubishi cs-3525r Hitachi CT4525 projection tv Wierd sound in standby, no vision mitsubishi VS-4503R Cannot control 36" Zenith with Remote schematic for ZENITH PV4657LK Zenith Picture Fuzzy Zenith SJ7775BG static, no color Ferguson C51F Red flyback lines Sony KP46V15 help Sharp 19" has horizontal black line Curtis Mathes Model CM25101S - Is there a service mode? Toshiba 50H82 Cutting off then on again Problem with new JVC32F703 Magnavox 27ts52c103 dead NM - Marty, thanks for your advice on my Prrosccan and happy holidays to all the experts RCA ctc195 No OSD where can I purchase? Sony projection red hue? TOSHIBA CF3572B SCHEMATIC Help Projection TV- red and green curved lines adjusting Toshiba TV (vertical size) Toshiba TP61G60 auto protection circuit engaged  Please Help JVC AV 2779 No Sound Projection TV mitsubishics-3525r Sharp Tv Service code kp 5020 projector toshibq tz43v61, curvy lines Proscan PS27153 - Picture collapses to full width middle band about 1" high, sound OK RCA XL 100 TV -- Blurry picture MGA CS2653R VERY LITTLE AUDIO ???? Zenith SLS2553S video problem Please Help! on magnavox Toshiba 32inch single line in the middle of the tube Toshiba 32zp18q screen rotation Schematic for Sony KV-2954MBT Audio Hum in a Sony KV32V42 fd trinitron kv-32fs16 sony year 2000 IC BA 877LS RCA PPR475T Convergense Problem Goldstar mod:CMT-2708A Magnavox 19" TV in Demo Mode Mitsubishi CS-2002R Color problems need help bad,. ZENITH SF 2719TR2 Toshiba 1400TB help!! zenith pv4657lk no picture I NEED A TUNER FOR A MAGNAVOX TS2768C107 rca on/off relay clicking MAGNAVOX TS2728C107 Mitsubishi VS-467R Problem problem with a sony projection Toshiba CF2750F model Toshiba big screen picture shifts/shrinks RCA GFC672TR HOURGLASS picture I SEARCH SERVICE CODE FOR TOSHIBA 36" zenith big screen RCA F27731BK Strange colour rings Zenith Sentry 2 won't turn off, set up says: Tape stuck in VCR picture distortion zenith 27' HITACHI 35UX60B- WILL NO RECEIVE CHANNELS picture problem
blicking 32 trinitron 46" rca wont power upNeed Help with RCA Tv Projection model p46731at TV voltage 27" Quazar: Lines and no picture proper grounding Strange color TV problem Need Zenith PV4660VK Help Zenith goes black and white Sony Trinitron KV-27S42 goes into standby need part specs Toshiba CF3572B intermitent won' t power on Schematic for Toshiba cf3572b Werid colors on RCA TV at corners Need help with Sharp TV model 25H-S60 Toshiba CF2750K model tv-telestar-need password(code) Samsung txe2746 Chassis KCT52a Philips SC3127N video problem Toshiba 32A60 rca p52755st wont turn on Proscan hourglass picture Sony TV Schematic RCA Model F25432 rca no power Movers Dropped My Zenith A27A23W Philips 28" TV vertical lines wiggly 93' RCA wont stay turned on. Sony KV27X1MT Green screen Matsui 28M2 - unlock code Toshiba 35 inch Sony KP-533V855 53" Projection RCA Colortrac 2000-horizontal line in middle Help samsung 170mb LCD monitor No Color on Sony TV Aiwa- strange but true Help Samsung MB1700 LCD Degaussing doesn't help No power Sound but no picture Zenith SE2799Y manual or help changing input? Remote Service Code for Sony TV no sound on rca P46924 LG Picture interference Philips BIG SCREEN WON'T CUT ON mitsubishi vs4507r just clicks when turned on no picture or sound SAMSUNG COLOR PROBLEM rca model:f26020wn chassis ctc149 schematic phillips tv/vcr combo CANT SEE THE WHOLE SCREEN-ZENITH JVC - Model No. AV-32720 , Won't Power On TV needs heating (hot air)to start Hitachi C32WF810N picture problems Toshiba CX 2847c fault Toshiba TV Crackle help no video only sound on rca Samsung PIP activation Zenith pv5255lk projection tv Emerson ts1995g Samsung Tuner Not Working Properly. Samsung PIP activation Mitsubishi CS-27303 has black screen Too much red in my RCA 32in  Mitsubiishi CS-35601 Sharp DV 6384 MITSUBISHI TV CS-20201 36inch RCA pnxx15128-16c Philips CTV Model 28GR6781C just LED flashing!! Philips 21GR 1257 GR1AX Zenith Sentry 2 Darkness Problem Sony TV Model kv-32hrs10 Zenith Z27A11S no sound Toshiba picture is too big for screen daewoo gb14q2 dead Tell me about the liquid in a projection TV No pic on big screen mitsubishi projection password lock Mitsubishi cs-29ex1c parental control Sony KV-32xbr70 zenith a27b33w going green Untitled Toshiba 29AZ5DA bad geometry, unhappy consumer rca buzz Security Menu Code Zenith green and red tint flashing projection tv green crt goes out Need Help with RCA Tv Projection model p46731at Mitsu vs-410r convergence problem LG TV CT-25H32SE no sound & tuning in but not locking in... Need 334P20601 flyback Zenith z35x21d clicks on intermit but will not power up dead blowing fuses Sony kv27 Need help GE TV 13TVR60 programming... RCA CTC 169 BE2 STILL NEED HELP HITACHI 43FDX01B PTV Which software is good for use for service store ? Zenith TVBR1342Z HELP! Switch problem with old Sanyo Spectra 2000 sony kv2791R Help on Toshiba 31" TV..   Mitsu VS-464R - NO Picture New Forum For Technicians Anyone have schematic for Gateway 2000 EV-900 Monitor? parts needed what's the process involved in a board swap? New Forum Henry's Electronics switch of spot Panasonic CT20g22V Chassis AEDP275 toshiba replacement picture tube Teac TV Model CT-M219 turns on by itself !! companies Toshiba TV sound problem picture gone funny Need Schematic For Teac TV Model CT-M219 Toshiba 29AZ5DA Flat screen TV Geometry problems Toshiba Cf3572b Akai CT-2568AT Power Regulator Blown all the Time! search  sony KP-46V16 Does Not Power On Magnavox CCT190AT01 RCA / GE Zenith Zenith Z27A11G green tint Mitsubishi convergence problem model# VS-467R dead Mitsu Proj TV vs459rs Power Xformer mitsubishi vs4507r just clicks when turned on no picture or sound Dead mitsubishi fly-back transformer nec big screen STR 392-110 rca tv only snow RCA 27" -- No Picture Only Very High Pitched Sound What happened to the old network54 tips forum (3623)? would a replaced sweep board fix pin cushion? Looking for Green Gun Panasonic CT-35G21, turns off & on by itself  ps0830bl Big picture zenith c27v22 Toshiba CX29699 Support service Panasonic CT20G22V Chassis AEDP275 tv has high pitch sound Sony kpr-s53mn1 projec TV 3 tube brightness fluctuation HELP WITH SAMSUNG Need Help With RCA Model P46731AT Video problem with Toshiba CF27C30 Problem With Sony KV27S25...Help!! View Sonic 21 "TO BRIGHT, THEN OFF" Dead Mitsubishi VS-4503R projection tv Sony kv-20s10 freeze all comands !?!?! IC TMP8801 family ! where can I get some new book for TV repair (NTSC) I love my Sony toshiba TP55D80 covergence problem Bang and Olufsen TV 6002 picture goes bright red, then set turns off tv with white lines Nokia 5553 nicam with bus I2C locked. Toshiba CX28613 28" TV - Magnavox MT1331 Samsung TXG2547 2-3 year old need ZD302 ZD305 value GE TV needs some help Zenith fell over tv lenco tc9014 schematic diagram A pricing? QUADRO(chassis 11AK19PRO) Old Toshiba's Video/Audio In fritzes all the time Why are TV so expensive now ???? what happened ?? Tv Philips 52kv2523 Tv Philips 52kv2523 RFT error codes TV COMBO QUASAR V V- 1311W sony kv20tr23 ZENITH TV 32" Sony Trinitron needs 10 minute warm up before the picture unfuzz No Sound on Sharp TV Toshiba TP48D50 service manual Service manual help 1987 Mitsubishi VS-410r... known Video problems??? 15 year old Zenith Color T.V. Toshiba 289X4M 26" TV manual needed Sony CX20192 Hor/vert TV chip wanted Pioneer service manual Toshiba 36" Sharp 25SB70 dead set TV Vertical squishing need to contrast beyond recomended specs philips 21ce1558/5b b/w still after battery replacement! TV repair forum Dont know the service code for 100Hz NICAM TV RCA 20GT324 chassis CTC175 cant start ?!?! HELP Tv off when turn on JVC power on for 1 second 20GX Philips chassi - totally dead Question on Sharp TV zenith fine line tearing RCA ctc187cl dead seeing red miss parts Help with Zenith set, model SZ2577P, no sound Samsung CT 6346W TP48D50, Toshiba WTD: Toshiba 26" TV (289X4M) schem or manual TATUNG MONITOR beko mod. 14b3m04-tx Toshiba 10inch - (TB1231N) tv lg mc58a Ray Sharp TV set

TV set - Samsung schematics - LG schematics - TV schematics - monitor schematics - SONY schematics - Acer schematics

Topics of the monitor repair forum

no signal aoc4vn Viewsonic PS790 Sony GDM 400PS hp 1280 monitor need schematic for Compaq v75 Microtek LS-8000 36" Scanner Driver Required Please NEC MultiSync 3FGe Missing Green Color Hi, i am new here> LG monitor problem Compaq P75 LG Studioworks 7d - blank screen Compaq Mv540 Multiple images - driver required Looking 4 the schematic -- Dell UltraScan20TX LG Studioworks 76i DELL 828FI PSU UNIT PROBLEMS HERE ARE SOME SCHEMATICS dell monitor d828l width fault NEC Multisync E700 MAG Innovision 800 v ,no HV , Hansol E15BL need schematic for KDS-VS9 KD1770 FCC-ID:EVOKD-1770 Viewsonic Prof Series P810 - Buzzes, no picture, Compaq P110 Model 630 KDS VS-9 (KD-1770) No picture Philips 107 MB picture disapear LG 44i hp p1110 service mode Compaq V55 612 Monitor Cross Required Please Help samsung mb170 LCD monitor Help Samsung MB1700 LCD Monitor Viento - Top Half of Screen is Black Compaq P110, Mv900 Power but no video Viewpoint VP1995OAT dead packard bell 1411SL Excess Width Compaq MV900 (CO1030T) Screen Twist prob with samsung e177 What is a HOT? Gateway EV700 Monitor - Chassis CA-65 2SC5301 samsung sync master 450b NEC 6FG 21" Blows HOT and Q5G6 KDS 7311 wont power on but clicks when plugged in ttx model=ttx-1440 KTX with Pincushion problem mod CAG683UG need schematics Cable monitor problem can you help?? Samsung 170mb LCD monitor help with Philips monitor 17C2321N/00Z Lite On model CM-1754NEL Optiquest Q73 Schematic hp d8897 General Question on Focus SONY multiscan : OSD buttons are inactive AOC 5e schematics Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 87TXM, "rotated" color alignment Philips Brilliance CRT monitor problem Monitor FCC A3KM053 HP monitor problem Compaq V 75 Need FBT for Gateway 2000 EV900 HP-D2840 A (Ergo 1280)need help DELL ULTRASCAN TRINTRON P1110 21" monitor Gateway2000 17" monitor KDS VS7 horizontal transistor is burned ViewSonic E40 dead KDS VS7 horizontal transistor is burned Monitor brand Goldstar 1465DLs Compaq MV720 & Gateway 770 NEC LCD1810 Problem: Screen goes black after 1/2 second Dead Ibm 6547 monitor Dead ibm monitor Compaq MV900 problem...overheating viewsonic g790 Nokia 447Z control panel HP D8897 monitor LG Flatron 775FT Compressed image Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 200 Monitor repair AOC 4Vlr schematic Syncmaster 15GLe Sony Trinitron 20" daewoo cmc 518x FCC-ID C5F7NFCMC1518X Need help repairing a KDS monitor Gateway EV 700A gateway cpd-gf200 fcc-id ak8cpd17sf2 SONY KDS VS7 Gateway Crystalscan 17" Schematic - FCC IAWYE071 aoc & ntc Gateway EV700A Monitor
siemens mcm 1753 Goldstar 1465DLs COMPAQ V90, nov 6 nov30 dez 16