Welcome to the Worlds of brainiak2!
Download my Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer saved game editor, MM8sge v1.51 here... [no more updates will be made to this program] This site contains MIDI files, information on different RPGs that I enjoy playing, coverage of NFL and NHL games, and will soon contain information on programming in BASIC and C++. You can e-mail me at brainiak2@yahoo.com with any comments, ideas, or questions about my site... Note: This site works best with Internet Explorer 4.0+, a screen resolution of 800x600 or greater, and Java enabled. Click here to see your current settings... |
Site design and most graphics are protected by copyright ©1999-2001 by brainiak2. Cakewalk is a registered trademark of Twelve Tone Systems, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Ultima, ORIGIN, Lord British, Britannia, Serpent Isle, and Stygian Abyss are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts. All other trademarks and registered trademarks belong to their respective companies. No copyright infringements are intended.
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Current page last updated: Friday, 16 January 2004, 11:05 (EST)