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| Home | Description | Software | Meeting Location/Format/Dates/Times || Autumn 2000 | Winter/Spring 2000 | Autum 1999 | Resources | Computer Community | Contact |
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Meeting format: Except when we have a special presentation, our meetings will be held in three parts. For the first 15-20 minutes, we will have a general Q/A session (Show and Ask). For the next 15-20 minutes we will have a Show and Tell sessions showing a featured Web site and discussing how it was produced. The remaining time we will spend on the announced presentation. Facilities: We are fortunate to be able to use the brand-new classrooms at the Technologies Learning Center of the Cuyahoga Community College East campus. These rooms include PCs at each student's desk, providing Internet access, each loaded with browser and some Web authoring software. This facility allows us to visit Web sites of interest, and actually experiment with features on some authoring tools. The Web SIG meetings on second Thursday of the month, (no December 2000 meeting), 7:00-8:50 PM The meeting night may change in 2001. Watch for January and February 2001 schedule to be posted here by November 3, 2000. Meeting location: Cleveland Heights University Heights Public Library Main Branch, 2345 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights; Directions to meeting site: From I-271, exit west on Cedar Road about 5 miles, then south about 1/2 mile on Lee Road past 2 traffic lights. The 2000/2001 Web SIG series of nine meetings will start with the basics at the Autumn 2000 meetings and During Winter/Spring 2001 several experts will be invited to present specific Web authoring programs and other aspects of Web page building. The Web SIG targets beginners as well as experienced Web page authors. As best as possible it will provide a survey of these areas: 1. Web authoring technologies, starting with basic Web page design and construction, followed by, 2. Sessions featuring popular Web authoring tools, 3. Overview of pertinent topics such as producing graphics, file types, Dynamic HTML, and interactive technologies such as CGI scripts, Java Script and working with Internet Service Providers to secure the services you need, and late in the series 4. Session(s) featuring streaming audio-visual files, PDF file posting, FTP file posting, and 5. An overview of electronic business and commerce technologies. If you are an experienced Web page author, you are encouraged to participate at all meetings. The Web SIG invites presentations by members while outside experts will be invited to present as well. Through this SIG, members will have the opportunity to utilize the best way to learn something. That is to learn a subject then give a presentation on that subject. Software that may be covered during future meetings include: Macromedia: Dreamweaver 2.0; Fireworks; Flash Adobe: InDesign; GoLive 5.0; Type Manager; Illustrator; Photoshop; Acrobat Jasc: Painshop Pro Deneba: Canvas Ulead: GIF Animator InfoAccess: HTML Transit Which particular software packages that get covered depends on the interest of the group and availability of knowledgeable presenters. Cleveland Computer Community links: Cleveland Computer Community Calendar: http://www.cybersets.com/jcolket/calendar.htm Greater Cleveland PC Users Group: http://www.gcpcug.org Web SIG Leader: Lee Batdorff, 216-321-9152 Bat@adva.com || Home | Description | Software | Meeting Location/Format/Dates/Times | Autumn 2000 | Winter/Spring 2000 | Resources | Computer Community | Contact |