Topbanner.gif (14885 bytes) HOW TO PROTECT YOUR HOME PC FROM VIRUSES!

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After 5 months of feeling like I was going insane.....losing sleep.....Staying up all hours of the night working on my computer  and talking to myself ....friends and family laughing at me telling me I was just being paranoid. I finally had proof ..hard core, indisputable evidence that my PC had been HACKED in too.....I had a     

   dropbul3.gif (1222 bytes)                  dropbul1.gif (1518 bytes)    dropbul2.gif (1276 bytes)                VIRUS!!!       dropbul1.gif (1518 bytes)dropbul3.gif (1222 bytes)                   dropbul2.gif (1276 bytes)

Jumping up and down laughing like a mad woman I dragged my family  to look at the monitor of my PC and there on my screen was the little gray text box I had been telling everyone I had seen:

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       "BEHOLD, AMEN!!!!! I'M NOT CRAZY SEE!!!!!

It got really scary when the messages got personal telling me what files I had on my PC. After finally deciding the only way I was going to feel safe was do a complete reformat, I started going through all my files to see what was important to me to save (then scan before I put back on). It was then that I found the little gray boxes I had been seeing saved as butt.bmp and screen.bmp in C:\ in my windows explorer. I was so thrilled that I finally had proof.                        

dropbul3.gif (1222 bytes)Then came the hard part "What to do about it"....After hours of talking to Technical Help and the maker's of my PC it was determined that I had 3 viruses on my PC, one of which was a Back Orifice and one a Trojan and the last one was what they call a Time Bomb...little did I know that there are 1000's of types. Some made to just flash a message such as "legalize marijuana" or "Peace" and others that can delete your hidden system other words wipe out your PC....this is what ended up happening to me......My Trojan was activated when I formatted. 

This page is for everyone but especially for my Dear Friends that I hope will never have this happen to them(((((((HUGGSSS So Please join me further in learning how you can protect yourself. I have decide to do this two ways and the best way to describe it is...the NERD'S(detailed info on viruses) and DUMMY'S(simply put this is what you need to stay safe) please don't get offend by this idea... I stole it from the book called "Windows for Dummy's".

dropbul1.gif (1518 bytes)dropbul3.gif (1222 bytes)READY??... HERE WE GO JUST CLICK ON A BUTTON

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