
Welcome to my brand-new free graphics section. I've just started making graphics, and I'm having a great time with it, so I would like to share some of what I've done with everybody. These graphic sets are free, all I ask is a link back to this page, http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Bridge/2711. Use either the logo below, or the one that matches whichever set you use. Also, I'd love if you would e-mail me and let me come visit your site to see how you're using it. I'll also add a link to your site from my user's section. Please save the graphics to your own server, because I will be moving and changing names and sets often, so you'll end up with a broken graphic, or something you did not want! I hope you enjoy these sets, not too many of them now, but more are on the way! If you don't know how to set up for a bordered background, just View Source for any of the pages these are on.


Border Background Sets

Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Set 4
Set 5
Set 6
Set 7




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