(There are newly added family pictures, click on the links, such as "Kathy's page and pictures", also located in the center of this page )
Curiosity of how many Cupryk's there are on the web is the reason why our home page was started in January of 1999. Our goal is to get as many Cupryk's all around the world to sign on this website and learn how the years have spread the Cupryk's geographically all over the world. Have noticed that in the USA, there are possibly some Cupryk's that have change their name spelling to Cuprak, not for sure on this, but some are in Arizona.
To date, have located 6 Cupryk's in the USA, 5 Cupryk's in Canada, 3 Cupryk's in Germany, and 1 Cupryk in the United Kingdom. Will plan to contact all by email or regular post. Am running into difficulty tracing in Ukraine, respectfully due to the current hard economic times, lack of web access, and such. If you have any website leads, please let us know. Leave a message in the guestbook or email us. If you know of any other Cupryk's, please leave a message in the guestbook below or email us, would appreciate it.
Was born in St. Joseph, Missouri USA in August of 1955. Married to Kathy Walters, in May of 1975. We left the state of Missouri
in 1989 to live in the warm and dry climate of Mesa (population of 450,000 people) Arizona
USA, a suburb of Phoenix. We have two sons; Jason and Jeremy. Jason is 26 years old, has attended college for three years, but at this time is taking a break from college. Recently Jason has been promoted to an assistant manager of a Walgreens Pharmacy retail store. Jason has been working for Walgreens the past 5 years. Jason recently purchase a home in the city of Gilbert Arizona, which is about 4 miles from our home. Jeremy, now 23, has also attended college, for two years and is also taking a break from his studies. Jeremy is currently working with a government program that helps with special needs adults.(scroll down to see pictures of everyone).
My father, Volodymyr, was born the son of Stefan and Anna(Kopj) Cupryk on February 14 1921. Both Stefan and Anna were school teachers. Near the town of Sambir, my father spent most of his life, in the State of Galicia, close to the Carpatian Mountains in the southwest part of Ukraine. I vividly remember my father saying how much he loved his country, and how he used to play in the fields of golden wheat. The fields were so abundant that all one could see was the golden wheat contrasting against the bright blue skies, hence, that is why the National flag colors are of blue above gold. He married Gertrude Vollmer, born May 6 1921, in Groetzingen, near the Black Forest area in West Germany
in 1948. Gertrude is the daughter of Karl and Elizabeth(Klumpp) Vollmer. Karl was a master carpenter and Elizabeth was a hard working homemaker. Shortly after being married, Volodymyr and Gertrude moved to the United States in 1950, with their first born child, Daria, and settled in the town of St. Joseph, Missouri USA. Volodymyr and Gertrude have 4 children, Daria(DeShon), Dan, myself, and Tim.
Dad retired as a master machinist from TWA in 1985, Gertrude retired as a Registered Nurse from St. Joseph's Hospital shortly thereafter. They moved to Albuquerque
New Mexico the following year to enjoy their retirement. Dad passed away in June of 1997 after a short illness at the age of 76. Mom is still very active in her retirement.
Daria is a school teacher married to Richard DeShon and now lives in Faucet Missouri USA. They have two children, Kathy DeShon and Matt DeShon. Kathy married Robert Hoffman and has two children, Colton Hoffman and Tyler Hoffman. Matt married Kim, and have two children, Jack DeShon and Ariana DeShon.
Dan is a computer systems software specialist, married Connie Knapp, and lives in Lenexa Kansas
Tim is general laborer, has one child, Linda Cupryk, and lives in Albuquerque New Mexico USA.USA. They have two children, Danielle Cupryk and Scott Cupryk.
Please sign the guest book located below and leave us an email message if you wish. We would like to hear from you. Thanks for visiting our family home website.
regards..... Roman Cupryk