The Home of the Worlds
A site of Exploration


Welcome to the Home of the Worlds. 

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This site is always growing and

explanding with new links, layouts, partners and more.

What does this site include?  Well, right now it includes A Creatures 1, 2 and 3 homepage
because it is my belief that a person that takes him or her self to seriously can not learn at
all.  It is when we strip our selves of the formalities and restrictions of life that we as
humans can come together to learn and study.

Over the X-mas holidays I will devote my attention to adding a religous page, cause, well, I am religious.  I will also readd the enviroment page.

This is my Creatures site, which I update on a regular basis.
It is at the moment, my largest site yet.

It is now possible to win the
following award!