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Work Information

Cosmos House

Job title

Database Administrator

Key responsibilities


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Contact Information


Personal e-mail

Web address

263 11 203 631

Cellular phone

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Biographical Information

My name is N. Handisen. I am happily married with two kids. My wife's name is Helen. She graduated in Accounting and Finance. Presently we stay in our recently acquired flat in the Avenues of Harare. We met while we were both studying in Cuba. We both speak Spanish of course. My first born is a beautiful daughter who is 5. Her name is Faith Ababa and her little brother Nicholas Jr is 3 years old.

Our Flat

I graduated at the Central University of Las Villas, Cuba as an Electrical Engineer. Currently I am working as a Database Administrator for Netone Cellular, here in Harare, Zimbabwe.


I enjoy working with computers. During my free time I do some programming. I have worked with Borland Pascal 7.0 with objects, Borland C++ 3.0 and Visual Basic. Presently I am working with MS Access in a database design project. I realize that the IT in Zimbabwe is gradually gaining momentum. It is my ambition to move along with all those developments.

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Other Activities

Guess who got married in June 1999?

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Personal Interests

I like working with computers. I feel most technical work can be done more efficiently using PCs. At my work place I am always figuring how some of our operations can be enhanced with PCs.

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Last Revised: November 16, 2001