New website

Pls go to BaiYun Manor for the latest version of my website.


I will be graduating by year 2000 July. My degree will be B.S.C (Information technology and computer science)
If anyone is interested, please look at my Resume. If you are interested in hiring me, please email me at Baiyun.

My hobbies

I am a simple gal who likes movies, music, reading books, reading chinese novels and also watching TVB serials and some TCS shows. Like the show currently on weekdays 9pm, Fa Ting Gu Shi (Court of Law?)

My Favourites

  • My favourite actress from Hongkong is Esther Kwan Wing Ho .

  • My favourite software sites are freewarehome
  • My favourite music sites are
    1. Mp3
    2. Real audio
    3. Chinese songs
    4. Chinese song search
  • My other favourite stars/celebrity
  • A poem dedicated to my friends
  • My friends
  • My Links

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