Christopher S Bradley


Incorporated creative computer professional with more than fifteen years of strong software and hardware experience. Easily absorbs new technology and is results-oriented. Recognized for above average attitude and dependability. Skills include systems analysis, full cycle development, technical troubleshooting, mentoring, training, problem solving, and project management. Has a strong insurance, financial and medical background. Takes pride in his work.

Seeks to use the systems analysis, design, programming, project management and business skills, obtained through work experience and education, in a progressive professional environment. To use the excellent communication skills developed, through end user support, training and project management positions to aid clients in finding solutions to best meet their needs and solve their problems. To lead and/or be part of a team in providing first rate IT solutions.



  Professional Experience

  Contact Information


  Technical Exposures (programming languages, operating systems, databases and hardware)


  Word version of resume

Professional Experience

Sun Life Assurance (Sep 2004 to Dec 2005)
Waterloo, ON, Canada

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (Jul 2004 to Sep 2004)
Detroit, MI, USA

Economical Insurance Group (Apr 2004 to Jul 2004)
Waterloo, ON, Canada

Great-West Life Insurance Company (Feb 2004 to Apr 2004)
Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Sun Life Assurance (Feb 2000 to Feb 2004)
Waterloo, ON, Canada

Royal Bank Insurance (May 1999 to Feb 2000)
Hamilton, ON, Canada

Verizon (Bell Atlantic) (January 1999 to May 1999)
Philadelphia, PA, USA

Manulife Financial (March 1998 to December 1998)
Canadian Head Office, Waterloo, ON, Canada

Clarica Life Insurance Company (May 1990 to March 1998)
Head Office, Waterloo, ON, Canada

TD Canada Trust (April 1989 to September 1989)
Head Office, London, ON, Canada

Ontario Ministry of Health (May 1983 to September 1988)
London, ON, Canada

Agricultural Tax Service Limited (April 1982 to August 1982)
St. Thomas, ON, Canada

Holiday Rent-A-Car Limited (April 1980 to December 1981)
Head Office, London, Ontario, Canada

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Contact Information

 525 Highland Road West, Suite 263
 Ontario, Canada
 N2M 5P4
 Cell: (519) 496-3499


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Programming Languages

PL/1, Telon, COBOL, JCL, OO PL/1, Microsoft Access, Visual Basic, Rexx, HTML, SAS, SQL, Eztrieve, DIBOL, VAX Assembler, Pascal, FORTRAN, Modula-2, C++, Papyrus

Operating Systems and Databases

Windows (3.1, 95, 98, ME, 2000, NT, XP), UNIX, MVS, TSO, IMS DB, CICS, VSAM, DB2, DL/1, IDMS


Endevor, EMC2, Lotus Notes, DCF, SPF, Extra, BTS, Zeke, FTP, AFP, Xchange, Omegamon, Expediter, Syncsort, File-Aid, Abend-Aid, Librarian, Panvalet, Elips, Data Ager, MS Excel, MS Word, MS Project 98, Project Managers Workbench, MS Office 97, Word Perfect, FTP, LaTex, Visio, EMACS, MS Power Point and various other PC software


IBM-370, IBM-586, IBM-3090, AS/400, IBM PC, VAX-6330, PDP-11, Cyber-930, MIPS-2100


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Excellent and available upon request.

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Member of

The HTML Writers Guild


Member of

Toast Masters



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Word version of my resume

  • Right click on "Chris_Bradley.doc "
  • Select "Save Target As..."
  • A window "Save as..." opens
  • Accept the file name "Chris_Bradley.doc"
  • Save the file on your hard disk.

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Last Revised: January 2006