Greetings. Welcome to Turloch O'Tierneys Home Page. Ver 2.6 20May2005

This is a collection of RANTS .
I am just a troll (trying to start a debate about a subject) throwing up stuff that I hope, but do not expect, some people will be interested in. Read this whole page first without following the links then graze on what you fancey!


20 paying managers manage a young developer they get money and guidance, paying managers get fresh code and management experience.

Free TuitionGot enthusiasm, need experience?
(Free Tuition Keywords: Free software, GNU, open source, linux, java, c, sourceforge, freshmeat, programming, development, training, wiki, database, collaboration.)

First Line Support for Open SourceMy time is cheaper than yours.

Shell Boot Camp(core of unix/shell scripting)
smallscripts(unix/shell scripting examples)
Career Enhancement Suggestions, to sharpen the saw or work smarter not harder.
tips file can be added on request, some filtering required, low signal to noise though.

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More rantings on Slashdot user totierne
also search for totierne , or even search for totierne on

To Do0.9 write a blog escaping the assylim with a brief analysis of mystage dives into the chattering classes.
To Do1 write a novel: autobiographical or the future of Ireland inspired by 1984 and giving organisation of IRA cells as part of the novel that may change the course of Irish history. My score 5/10
To Do1.5 write a novel weaving in as much of todays issues in science and mathamatics, to appear intelligeny by alluding to learnid issues, very alice in wonderland, maybe i need to write it for someone who is not yet interested in such things, maybe a 11 year old, who can think about hard problems as part of a narrative. I think it is important to not view the world as decided, maybe something like the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy was that book and I remain 20 years behind the times. My score 4/10
To Do2 micro currency for schools so students can organisae and build up clubs and businesses and have more of a clue than I did, something measurable. Maybe just a club in a box software is what is required, and already done no doubt. My score 2/10
To Do3 micro functions, write functions that take less than a week and build up a [nother] free software library.My score 4/10
Irish linux user group ILUG is talking about a wiki for linux in schools in ireland, any students on this site check out
FYI Zyxel Prestige 623-T1 can use the usb and ethernet ports at the same time. Or at least alternately. Rebooted both computers connected brought up google on one, brought up yahoo on the other. No problem. Yipee no extra hardware to have my two PCs online.
Shoulder serf and log Log of a day in the life of a (good?) open source developer, a log in detail of the development of a piece of software not just how someting was done but the blind allwys invstigated. Is this a good idea, has it been done already, all I can think of is Linus Torvaldus emails ''

Manic Manifesto I have manic depressive relatives: Call for manic depressive and or bipolar contacts in Dublin Ireland.

Cached questions and Answers part 1 from 1995 Some notes I made on the way to not quite nirvana. Deleted it may be my employers property, though I did check it through for references to my employers systems.

Another geocities site If you are interested in Russian to English, English to Russian matters including translation, and Offshore Outsourcing

On a Object Oriented Design in Java course. How much can I and should I put up, basically anything but the slides and passing the work off as my own. Probably links to and the usual pattern sources as well as my own naive description.

Welcome to Dublin, Ireland A section introducing Ireland to prospective immigrants.

OpenSourceLogs A log of first 8 hours under each new open source application environment or escapade, just an idea for now. Enter which Open Source tools one wants to point a 'dummy' at. Or upload ones own log of your efforts to make the next installation smoother.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language: TEFL Read my site, interact with me, enrich one and other. email totierne at hot mail dot com. A passing suggestion and fad for me. 6Jan2004

wiki: editable web pages Some thoughts on developing content, not well formatted, except the first page...

misc quotes etc Part of a file I store things in mostly slashdot quotes that appealed.

Recent slice of blog see also big blog

apache oro regex example Just a few pointers use .match m/mymatch/ and .substitute s/before/after/

Patent free Europe I encourage both my readers to sign the petition

Recent slice of blog Check out Analyse This for more madness...

Psychotherapy There has got to be some cheap psychotherapy somewhere on the net, either be someone elses therapist and they can be yours, or form a vicious triangle. I tried the ALICE bot, maybe I can use some Indian therapist on line. use and abuse.

Aspirations and Life Log Just gives some background to where I have been. I thought it might be useful to blog readers but I suppose the audience is just 1.

Someone Elses Site. More stylish than my site lite. Cross blogging, the end of civilisation.

Some online wedding ideas Wedding lists, blogs and geneology, ok so they may not set the world on fire but there is interactive potential...

href Google honeypot_Breakdown.html (removed direct http link so page will not be on google, no need to trap unsuspecting surfers, given that No_Meaning.html page got the following votes 6 negative and 1 positive.) If I have a page long enough maybe it is bound to get odd matches from google (discuss). WARNING LONG PAGE NEARLY 1 MEG.

Eamonns site (not my brother, man.) Shows how desperate I am for readers, actually his site is ok, and has a point or 2 (max), unlike some web pages like this one has no real point, just self ranting to a possible google audience of millions but actual audience of hmmmmm say 10, say 2 if you count people who return, that is me and someone else (unknown) someone found me by looking up 'sex and warrenpoint' on google, which made my brother Eamonn laugh. He is in a good mood at times, othertimes like me he tries too hard. Eamonns, not my brother, said he would look at my site and link to it if I did the same. The lying git. But I am desparate. I'm 93 you know. No I am not just in case you thought there was a point to that last statement it was a parody of trying to start a conversation, by non interesting half pieces of information, almost public private encryption key like, actually it is a bit Marvin the depressed android like (discuss (if you must)).

NotePad Notes set in stone, so they are not subverted.

My Road Map Just to cast my directions in stone so they are not subverted.

Compare mini apps in different languages, C++, java, perl, bash, msdos, to help migrate developers, or enable them to be language agnostic, ie choose the right tool for the job and have a framework /template to work from. Alpha placeholder/troll for hits on google...

Cyrillic input through emacs On linux without having to play with X ...

invitesv2.xls Invite list so far. attach does not seem to work on my email so posting to geocities is 2nd best, looks like there are more names to be added...

Wedding Plans Ireland and Belarus, wedding in Dublin - 4 month project or is it a lifeline or lifetime....

First Steps in Oracle based on trying to mentor a newbie. Document in alpha shape...

How To Be A Programmer based on or inspired by or encapsulating a slashdot article. Document in beta shape...

Rants and Articles Sure how would I know what you want? [open question to my employers the world women etc, I could not be the only Aspergers want-to-be, or escapee...]

LATEST BLOG HERE: Analyse This A blog/journal with no substance or direction. Some swearing, ranting and raving. All conflict and no resolution. its a northern thing.

Find Peer (Coaching and Mentoring mini site) Troll for hits No.1 as votes for Community Site.

Migration support (Migration to Oracle mini site) Troll for hits No.2 as votes for Community Site.

Community building comment please my current meme for the last 48 hrs.

START HERE:=Stray Thoughts please comment [Closest to coherent [I did not say coherent.]]
From my link tracking: Most people read and follow links from the first two paragraphs of 'Stray Thoughts please comment', these paragraphs are Introduction and Womanising, are you most people?[A challenge to read more and request more from me, though maybe people always follow the first couple of links, or maybe life is a human interest soap opera. This is a good wake up call for technical me to try and boost social interest me.]

Should be private, but I am a public kind of guy. And nobody reads this... 90% unedited junk. SUE ME [IANAA,IANAL] Neither an American or a Lawyer I am. [nor yoda - anybody get the allusion..]

Text from the Edge: It's not so far away you know. Well maybe on a clear day you can see the edge from here...

BOMBS all round

[Just a thought]:Open source use as a market differenciator.

Latest Stray Thoughts

More Stray Thoughts

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In decreasing relevance, I do not read this stuff, but I like to categorise into talkable about, gold, silver and junk categories, so if anyone wants to discuss the talkable about stuff, or indeed any of it (as I have been interested enough to bookmark it after all), drop me an email, give me time to actually follow and read the link and we can talk/type [with some, agreed and shared, mild purpose and direction]! :)



Other bits and pieces:

Here is my Resume in various formats:
[HTML(Latest)] Older: [txt] [Microsoft Word]

Applepie Solutions is energetically restarting with permanent employees.
Keywords: Startup, Web development, Telecomunications, WAP, Business Skills.
contact: totierne at

[A major American Multinational] (Dublin) Is hiring sparingly/when necessary.
Keywords: Oracle, Pensionable, Database Migration, java, Web Applications.
contact: totierne at

Cluttered Old Index

'When they came for the Anti-Americans (USA), I did not say anything because I did not realise they thought me an Anti American.'
'When they came for the Trade Unionist, I did not say anything because I did not realise they thought me a Trade Unionist.'
'When they came for the communists, I did not say anything because I did not realise they thought me a communist.'
'When they came for the terrorists, I did not say anything because I did not realise they thought me a terrorist.'
'When they came for the paedophiles, I did not say anything because I did not realise they thought me a paedophiles.'
'When they came for the immigrants, I did not say anything because I did not realise they thought me an immigrant.'
'When they came for the hackers, I did not say anything because I did not realise they thought me a hacker.'

'I want to be the minority' - Green Day, unfortunity the minorities are everywhere LOL, Hey Ronnie Reagan I'm black and I'm pagan .... (from: Christy Moore)

based on:

'In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up." '

This a a quote attributed to Martin Niemoeller, When they came for the Jews . Source: Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 16th ed.


Niemoller was tainted. He had been a U-boat captain in WW I prior to becoming a pastor. And he supported Hitler prior to his taking power. Indeed, initially the Nazi press held him up as a model... for his service in WW I.

But Niemoller broke very early with the Nazis. 1933