Andrei Stepanov's Home Page
I am glad to greet you on my web site My name is Andrei V. Stepanov
l Solution Development Group of Digital Convergence Team, Digital Solution Center: ü Making solutions intended for home networking, which take particular requirements of residential environments into account, aim to handle communication between different kinds of consumer electronic devices in cyber apartments, connect a large variety of devices including home appliances, consumer electronics, white goods, and telecommunication devices, provide a broadband connectivity which could be extended to other home appliances. Potential applications may not only cover home automation, but also include multimedia applications, entertainment and communications as well as the remote control of the home; ü Implementing models for the remote management of gateways and their services. The implementation is intended to meet the requirements for large-scale deployments of UPnP, OSGi, HAVi, JINI, JetSend, MHP and other technologies functionality, to resolve the requirements of interoperation with these management systems and protocols, to remotely manage services life-cycles (install, start, stop, uninstall, update bundles), to apply adequate security on management operations; ü Making efficient middleware and user-friendly software tools for remote administration of gateways composed network; ü Enabling the hassle-free deployment of new services to existing gateways; ü Providing dynamic configuration, smart installation and update of large numbers of services together with all components required for proper functioning, performing self diagnosis, version management, supervision of gateway runtime states, and configuration of security for the network and the end users.
l Software Development Department of Business Software Group, Interactive Media & Telecom Service Division: ü Making different types of visualizations, skins, and effects for multimedia player; ü Developing Excel-compatible Spreadsheet for nationally well-known in Korea Windows-based, Web-enabled Office Suite "HunMinJungEum"; ü Implementing operations for Data Analysis, performing What-If Analysis, use of applied mathematical methods, optimization algorithms for solving problems; ü Development of worksheet functions (engineering, math and trigonometry, financial, statistical, text, logical, lookup and reference, date and time, database functions); ü Developing analytical tools for providing Internet solutions in Web-office's suit.
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