About this web page: I used to maintain a complex web page here, however, as I have more responsibilities and less time, this web page is now a collection of some small but useful things I like to share, they are primarily about software and computer hardware, however, it's not limited to those. I don't regularly maintain this web page, it's here to help those who might find something they are looking for. This one is really hard to find: What is reversed passive hemagglutination assay method Guitar Tabs I discovered that most people who don't play guitar prefer to listen to people who play guitar and sing instead of instrumental music. For example, I like listening to Yngwie Malmsteen and wish to play like him. However, few people who don't play guitar enjoy listening to his music. 只要你过得比我好 (As long as you live better than me) Art I don't have the talent to draw. However, when I was a teenager, I used to spend a lot of time studying and practicing graphic design. It helped to instill a sense of asthetic style in me, which I still use frequently today to design for work. Some of my past graphic designs Programming resources: I am a big advocate for Python. Python is a very elegant object-oriented language that's cross platform. It is very easy to learn and productive. You can start producing working code the first day or two (with programming background). I wrote several serious web applications in Python and they were much more manageable than comparable web programming languages. The best thing about Python is that it's not just a web programming language. It's designed to be a light weight general purpose language, however, it has one of the best network and web libraries. If you are debating whether to go with PHP, JSP/Java servlet, ASP or .Net, if your organization does not mandate you to use them, forget them and try Python. Common Gateway Interface (CGI) A good started for programming with C for CGI in Unix Visual Basic Have you ever gotten a document that is all CAPS? This Visual Basic macro for Microsoft Word will convert all CAPS to lower case with some modification. Download VB code This Visual Basic code can convert from Decimal to binary and binary to decimal Javascript Form input validation - Nowadays, it is simply bad practice not to check the input value users submit from a form. This generic form input validation script can be easily customized for your site.
Adding new input fields - Some times, when we need to add more input fields such as for file upload, it is not always known the exact number needed. So this Javascript teaches you how to add certain HTML element dynamically, whether it's an input field, or text or image.
Automatically generate a table of thumbnails - when you have many images to manage, it is tedious to code the HTML manually to show each image. This Javascript utility can save you plenty time by letting you choose how many images placeholder you want to generate and give you the ready code. Movies and Subtitles There are so many good movies made outside of Hollywood. However, since most of them are foreign, they will be limited to a smaller number of audience. Still, these are some of the movies I enjoy. I also provided some English subtitles for people who downloaded the film on the Internet without English subtitles. Walk Alone for Thousands of Miles (China) - The journey of a Japanese father to fulfill the wish of his dying son - to meet an Chinese opera performer and have him perform on camera. This Japanese elder who was stuck in China without the language skill discovers much more than what he came for. Download the English subtitle Opinions, Rants, Raves My thoughts on American cell phone service HP Pavilion battery warranty replacement absurdity Italian Mafia In an article by the Corriere della Sera, it is mentioned that mafia is the biggest business in Italy. Mafia's illegal waste dumping business is costing Italy greatly its environment and to people. How can these criminals be so short-sighted and selfish? Read this BusinessWeek article about the pollution they are creating. Numbers of money Lack of discpline in today's youth Shock report from Society of Paediatrics on teenage sex, drinking and smoking |
Lincoln's Page of Useful Things
Cell Phone Unlocking There are several types of restrictions a cell phone can have:
Yes. I take credit for being the pioneer of nation wide cell phone unlocking in the US. Few years after I began my effort to educate consumers this concept, now some landmark decisions have been made in part due to efforts from companies like mine. My view on this page does not reflect that of my company. 1. Verizon does not lock any post-paid handsets 2. Sprint agrees to provide unlock code to all of its customers 3. The US Office of Copyright made an exemption for cell phone unlocking from copyright violation. It is completely legal. The benefit can be realized immediately as it creates true value. For example, one person was spending hundreds of dollars in roaming fee while traveling Thailand. When his phone was unlocked, he was able to use a local SIM and saved over $300. Another person has a very nice phone that he wishes to use with another network. By unlocking it, he saved hundreds of dollars from buying another phone. What are the benefits of having an unlocked phone?
Ericsson T28w If you are going to buy your own cable, becareful when unlocking your phone. The 28W is a US/world model and if you use the wrong flash file you won't be able to use it in the US anymore. Most flash files on the net are actually for T28Sc, T28S (not T28Z), which are European and Asian models. The difference is that while the US world phone is on 1900/900Mhz frequency, the others are on 1800/900Mhz. Since there is no 1800Mhz GSM network in the US, you won't be able to use your T28W (it does not have the hardware filter for 1800MHz) even if you unlock it. Go the above web site, you might find flash files and even can upgrade your T28Z to a T28W (both are electronically identical only differs in firmware). Ericsson T28 World Phone service code Fight Spam email How to maximum your Eudora email client's filter feature to minimize spam. Some useful Windows utilities I wrote a long time ago:
System Requirement: Windows 95, 98, and ME. 8MB RAM minimum. Note: 2000, NT and XP are not fully supported. You can run this program but the drive letter is not retained after a restart. System Requirement: Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, NT and XP. TCP/IP connection required.
Photoshop Productivity Avoid the repetitive tasks, learn to automate your Photoshop with scripting (version 6 and up). Telecommunication I also have used Handspring's Visor with the Visor phone (like the Ericsson i888, it's a dual-band GSM world phone). Having this combination makes my dialing and SMS text entry must quicker and easier. No more punching the numeric keypad! Palm made the first popular Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) in the market. I had the Palm Professional 1000 PDA in 1996 or 1997. Visor was founded by the founders of Palm. Later it was acquired by Palm again. Palm splitted into two independent companies, one for the Palm OS software and another for the hardware. However, later the two merged again into PalmOne. Now it's known as Palm again, and still makes PDA and the famouse Treo PDA phone. Unforunately, due to the increasing popularity of smart phones (PDA phones), standalone PDA shipment is decreasing each year. I still believe there are some applications better served by PDA without the phone function. However, those are becoming niche markets. I also had Windows CE PDA (now PocketPC), smart phones based on the Symbian OS such as Sony Ericsson P900, and Research In Motion's BlackBerry. Now I prefer not to have one because there are too many gadgets and they take too much time to maintain. Linux stuff I personally prefer FreeBSD, but to use a production level Java environment, I have to use Linux since the Sun folks are not taking FreeBSD too seriously with their Java enterprise sutff. After all, the original SunOS was derived from BSD. Linux is more and more suitable for a desktop OS, although Corel's WordPerfect is available, I wouldn't recommend using it since it is not very stable, go with StarOffice or Applix Office instead. I prefer to run VMware on my system and run Microsoft Office from Windows guest OS (hey, Microsoft does make good software and profit at the same time, if you don't like them, don't use their product.) Running Linux on Dell Inspiron 5000 series IBM Thinkpad EEPROM security password reset Contact me: c o n c e p t e d g e [ @ ] y a h o o . c o m (remove the [] and white space)
I don't care for any social networking sites like MySpace, Friendster, facebook, etc.