Raymond Sung
Wow! It's been more than two years since I last edited this webpage.

Things did changed a lot. And I do not look like the pic on the left anymore (getting slightly slimmer).

I did pass the MBA course and tried to find a job in UK after graduation. But, having just two interviews in big firms and that's it...

Right now I'm working in a satellite operator in Hong Kong and finding it interesting. Not to mention there are so many pretty girls sitting close to me. :p

Last updated: 29 Oct, 2004.
I love TV games, computing, cooking, eating, mucis, hiking and soccer
I made friends, plenty of them. Each of them are unique, and important to me.

When I have time, I'll tidy up this area and I will write something for each of them.
Ronald, having "retired" for a year, has to face the truth and get back to Hong Kong and start his career. He's now working in a financial institute.

The past three years was very critical to my life. Having putting aside God for a few years, now knowing very well that He is the most important thing of my life. I had even compose a song for this "coming back" issue. Let me know if you want you hear it. - 29 Oct, 04.
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