Next Meeting:
None Scheduled
3:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Maxim Group Training Facilities

Presentation: None Scheduled

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The Baltimore Area PowerBuilder User Group (BAPBUG) is an informal group of people in the Baltimore/Washington D.C. area who develop applications using PowerBuilder and/or other Sybase tools, including PowerJ, PowerSite, and EA Server.  It was founded in the summer of 1994.  The group seeks to expand knowledge and gain a better understanding of PowerBuilder and the associated products.   So, whether you are an experienced developer looking to discuss technical issues, or an interested beginner wondering what PowerBuilder is all about, you'll be in good company here.

The Baltimore Area PowerBuilder User Group meets at 3:00 p.m. on the first Wednesday of March, June, September, and December.  The meetings are held at various locations including the Applied Physics Lab in Laurel, Social Security Administration in Woodlawn, and VIPS in Towson.  Typically we'll have one or more scheduled talks at each meeting (see "Agenda"), and leave the remainder of time for answering your technical questions that you may have.

For a map and detailed directions, see "Directions".

For more information, or to send technical questions, please see "Executive Committee".


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