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Home For The Terminally Clueless
The Trials & Tribulations of a Home Page Beginner

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Welcome! My name is Laurie Tannehill and the goal of this page is to provide all of the "newbies" out there with a few hints about designing and building your own personal home page. Hopefully, the information here will help you to avoid spending as much time as I did just trying to figure out how to get started! If you're an experienced designer, this could get boring pretty fast because the information is very basic. Still, I would love your feedback, especially if I've given incomplete or incorrect information. Also, please let me know if any of the links don't work.


I first set out to build my own page about 2 months ago. What you are looking at is the end result of many long nights spent perusing endless files of Shareware & Freeware, Backgrounds, Icons, Buttons, Bullets and other graphics and even more time downloading those Huge software files. I go to work tired every day, my family thinks I'm crazy (most likely true), my house plants are dead and my friends think I'm dead! This has very rapidly become an all-consuming passion and I am well on my way to becoming a recluse. Still, designing your own page can be very rewarding, especially when you can point to the final product and say "I did that"!


If you've been here before, you'll notice that my little home is considerably more tidy and easier to read than it was previously. I will go into this in more detail in the section that discusses Software but in the meantime, let me just say that if this was easy, no one would have to hire an expert to do it for them! Remember, this is a complex project so when you get stumped, don't give up. By the way, I'm also going to include some tips about where to go to get help and I'll include the links...but more about that later.


Each of the following pages is devoted to a specific subject about Home Page Design. Since I'm a "newbie" myself and don't know that much yet, you will find that there isn't an overwhelming amount of data. However, there should be enough information to help you get started. You can also send me an e-mail if you have a question that isn't addressed herein and I'll try to help or point you to someone who can. Here are the categories:


Software - Graphic Design, 3D Programs, HTML Editors, Viewers, Image Enhancers


Graphics - What to do if you're not an artist.


Links - Direct connections to the sites that I’ve found most helpful

I will be updating and adding to these pages as time and space permit so please come back if you find the information helpful. When you do, don't forget to sign my guestbook and leave the address of your own page so that I can visit and see how well you've done.

Good Luck!

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