The Unofficial Philips CDD2600 & CDD3610 Site


This site is totally unofficial. I donīt work for Philips or any software or hardware company and it is not my purpose to encourage you to buy anything. I just want to inform and help.The information here is derived from Usenet postings, e-mail, information on WWW sites and my own experience. As such, it may be wrong, and you are encouraged to verify it for yourself. I take no responsibility for damaged hardware, CD-Rs turned into coasters or frisbees, time lost, or any other damages you incur as a result of reading this WWW site.

To all the people who sent me an email during the period from the 22.12.1999 - 20.01.2000. All these emails have been destroyed by a virus that was placed in one of the attachments wishing me a happy new year ...  If you still want me to answer your questions, please send your emails again. Please donīt send any attachment, as I wonīt open any file attachment again.

Whatīs new on this WEB-Site:

05.12.1999 Christmas time!! I thought that Santa would bring me perhaps an 8x Philips recorder, but it seems he has not enough units left and there is no one for me. What a pitty!! Nevertheless, I have done some small updates on the following pages: General Questions - About CD-Recording, CDD2600 - Technical Information, Windows95/NT - troubleshooting tips. 
New layout. I hope you like it, I think the navigation has been improved a lot. I have discontinued the spanish and the german WEB-sites as I havenīt got the time to update them regularly. Now, only with the english version, I will update the site more frequently (you know, every update is only 1/3 of work and time). My next step will be the update of the software pages. I also hope that I can soon write about the CDD4801.
Firmware 3.09 is official. Updated CDD3610 Firmware versions page (en, de, es) and CDD3610 modifications page (en, de, es). A Windows firmware update tool is available for download. Links page has also been updated (en, de, es). Also interesting, the datasheets for the cdd3801, cdd4201, cdd4401.
24.06.1999 Unofficial firmware 3.09 for the CDD3610 has been added to the firmware versions page (en,de,es). Hardware Fix page has also been updated with some pics and updated links to Ricteeīs Homepage (en,de,es). The CDD3610 technical page have also been updated (en,de,es). 
14.04.1999 The firmware links at the"CDD3610 firmware versions" page have been corrected. Some non working links have been removed.
02.04.1999 CDD3610 & CDD2600 "technical information" pages have been updated (en, de, es). Manuals and drive command specifications can be downloaded now from there. The "About CD-RW" page has also been updated, I have put for download a Philips booklet explaining how the CD-RW technology works. The "RSJ and Cheyenne" pages have been removed because of the lack of interest.


You can still access to the discontinued spanish & german WEB-sites, just klick on the respective banner.
Last update on 10.August.1999. (Both, german & spanish pages)



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This site has had hits since 3.03.1998

This Internet web page at is copyright Đ 1998-2000, R. Martinez Benesenes. All rights reserved.