The Lost Isles Webring Lost Isles

The Lost Isles Webring was created to showcase the homepages of the users of The Lost Isles Talkers. These talkers include:

  • Forgotten Isle ( 7020) - Visit the Forgotten Isle Homepage!
  • Dragon's Isle - Visit the Dragon's Isle Homepage!

    If you are a user of either of the Lost Isles Talkers and you have a homepage, you're invited to join The Lost Isles Webring. Please go to the "How to Join" section.

    How to join

    You must follow all steps to join the Lost Isles Webring.

    If you need help with the following directions, email the RingMistress.

    Newsflash: Why does the Webring need to be on your front page?

    1. Save a copy of the Lost Isles Webring logo (ringlogo.jpg.)
      You can see it at the bottom of this page.

    2. Fill out this form completely and submit it. Make sure 'http://' is typed in before your web address, or it will not work properly. When you have done that, you will receive a number as your 'site id'. This number will represent your site to the Webring. You will ALSO be given an html fragment that must appear on the web page you submitted.
      (This HTML fragment will also be e-mailed to the address you specify)

      Submit site to The Lost Isles Web Ring
      Site Title:
      Site URL:

      Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
      Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
      Description: Enter a short description of your site.

    3. Cut and Paste the given HTML fragment into the web page you listed in the above form. Make sure the images you downloaded are in the same directory as the fragment(or change the fragment to reflect a different directory).

      The fragment has been preformatted and already contains YOUR site ID, email address, and name. Just check and make sure that these are correct.

      If you did not get the HTML fragment once you hit "submit" above, copy the text version and insert your site ID, name and e-mail address manually.

    4. You have now been added to the queue for the Lost Isles Webring. E-mail the Ringmistress and ask her to add you to the actual working ring. Be sure to include your Site ID Number in the e-mail message. She will want to make sure the Lost Isles Webring HTML fragment and images on your page are functioning properly.

    5. After checking out your page, the Ringmistress will take your Site ID Number and use it to add you to the ring. You should then receive an e-mail telling you that you've been added.

      That's it! You should now be able to navigate the entire ring until the end to make it back to your own page (although it may take a while). An easy way to make sure it is working is to click on the List Sites link and go to the homepage of the last person on the list and see if the Next button takes you to your own page.

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    Lost Isles Talkers

    The Lost Isles Talkers consist of two talkers. Forgotten Isle was created first with a general theme. It is currently running on the SiNCO code.

    So visit us and check out both of our ports. If you want to telnet there on your own, the addresses are 7020 (Forgotten Isle), and Dragon's Isle is currently homeless, but if you wish you can visit the homepage at Or just click on one of the links.

    When you get to the login screen, enter an original name. (It will ask you to re-enter it to be sure you entered it correctly.) Our auto-mailer program will email your temporary password to the email address that you specified at the login screen. After you receive your temporary password, log in again with your new name and password. Once you are logged on, please change your password to one of your own choosing. There will be instructions printed in the "room" you go to first upon logging in. The administrators are there to help you if you need it. All you need is 5 minutes and a valid email address! We only ask for your email address for security purposes. You will not be added to a junk mailing list or anything like that. Only the admins will be able to see your address if you would prefer it that way. It's much more simple than it sounds! So come on over and say hello!

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    If you are already part of The Lost Isles Webring, and need to edit your site's attributes (URL, your e-mail address, site description, or password), enter your site ID and password below:
    Site ID:

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    Try the Lost Isles Webring Now!

    The Lost Isles Webring

    A grouping of webpages belonging to users of Forgotten Isle and Dragon's Isle!
    This Lost Isles Webring site belongs to Pyanfar.

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    Check out the Lost Isles Webring statistics.

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