~ Welcome to E.S.Korp ~
This site is dedicated to shareware and freeware. We also place an emphasis on games as they are the life blood of a computer jockey's youth. We are attempting to bring together sites that are shareware and freeware related so that the average PC user can find alternative medicines for their computer needs. In addition, we have created several programs that are available for download. We hope you enjoy the programs and information on this site. We would appreciate any comments or suggestions (Contact us via e-mail at ESKorp@aol.com.). We are constantly modifying and expanding this site so remember to bookmark it for further use.
Hold onto your hats and make sure the masking tape on your glasses is securely affixed because E.S.Korp's future is finally going to be revealed to you...
We plan to expand into the C programming language. This means that all of our new programs will be constructed using this powerful engine.
Currently, the first project ahead of us is the RIFTS© Character Creation Station. With this program, we plan to make the character creation time a minimal requirement while maximizing the availability of information on your computer, thus creating character sheets that can be saved and edited in the future.
Other projects include a full-feature, original, Lone Wolf-style game. This choose-your-own-adventure story will come with many of the same options as Lone Wolf : Internet Book I but will contain a hell of a lot of cool new stuff...no hints...this one's under wraps, you'll see later.
Our Artwork section is currently expanding and new and exciting stuff will be available from E.S.Korp's premiere artist...
We have a contest going on!!! Check it out below this paragraph of info!!!
You may have noticed some changes in the appearance of our site...well, get ready for more to come...this section will change bi-weekly.
Safe Journeys,
The Creators of E.S.Korp
Click below to fill out a survey to help us create a better site.
Contact us via e-mail at:
Computer Junkies have hit this page since
February 23, 1999