Publication of groundbreaking comix delayed until 2001

Mac Comix has announced that publication of its epic saga, "Return of the neXt-Men" has been pushed back to January, 2001. "Return of the neXt-Men," the first comic entirely produced on Netzilla, is the story of a band of mutants expelled from their idyllic valley for thinking differently. They return to restore their ravaged homeland to greatness, only to fall victim to the dreaded Curse of Cupertino which causes victims to lose track of time.

"We know the fans will be tickled pink by this intelligent comic. We hope they can cope and hang on until next year. I know that real artists ship," said producer Donald Gelman, "but somebody forgot to buy toner."

Mac Comix also announced that "FutureImperfect," a nightmare science fiction tale about limited choices, has been canceled. In development for four years, it was chronicles the titantic struggles of PerfectMan to battle the FUD rays of the Evil Empire, only to be overcome by his own incompetence. "Hey, how depressing is that?" explains Gelman.

Until "Return of the neXt-Men" arrives, readers can enjoy the three-year old technology and biting satire of "Smash-Mouth Macintosh Marketing Comix."

Mac Comix is a part of the Mac One Network. Founded in 1997, Mac One Macintosh Advocacy seeks to establish Macintosh as the number one platform on the planet by 2004. Mac One is a nonprofit, volunteer, virtual vision not affiliated with Apple Computer.

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