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troopers have been granted access to this page since June 1,1996

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If you're gonna go to war you'd
better know the basics:
Sun Tzu's Art of War
Murphy's Laws of Combat
Command and Conquer is the coolest War game around. It is the best real-time strategy game you'll ever find on the market. Like Warcraft 2, There are two sides to the game. But unlike Warcraft, C&C's two sides don't have units that have equivalents on the other side to balance the game. C&C uses different types of units but puts advantages and disadvantages to the unit which balances the whole game! Which makes the game unpredictably thrilling. So, the bottom line is If you want the best in thrilling, exciting, fast-paced, action-packed strategy games than get Command and Conquer!!!
Want to know more on the armada of GDI or NOD?
Due to popular demand (through my forms), I've got....
For more info on C&C try:

Click here for the latest and greatest on the prequel to Command and Conquer REDALERT! I can't figure it out but more troopers visit my REDALERT page than this page.
- You want to know how to make an infinite amount miniguners using only a guard tower, SAM sites, turrets, etc...? Here's how, you take a guard tower and sell it, then the miniguners will pour out, then quickly, select the guard tower and press "S" to stop selling it. Do this over and over until you have the desired amount of miniguners.
- You can also use the technique above for unlimited amount of money by building a sandbag and placing the troop near it. Place the sell cursor on the sandbag and slowly move it towards the trooper. When you see the name of the troop apear, (as it usually does when you move the select cursor over it) sell it!
- Ever get bothered every time you don't have enough silos for all your timberium? Here's a way to save on space and money. First build a structure that builds fast and yet is expensive, (in GDI, this would surely be the Helipad) when finished cancel it and all tiberium you used for it will be returned as cash, and you'll have space again.
- One way to halt the income of the computer opponent is to sandbag from your base all the way to his base. Once there, seal off all entrances. This way his harvesters won't be able to get in or get out. An extra bonus here is that he can't attack you because the computer, for some unknown reason, can't target sandbags or any other type of wall.
- Have you ever wanted to be just like the computer and build anywhere? Here's how, build a comm. center, place it on the map. After, build the desired structure, when finished select another structure/unit. Select the now ready structure and place it on the map, move towards the sidebar until only a white mash is left on the map. Move the cursor anywhere on the radar and place it on the desired location (note: The radar should not be in full zoom.).
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last updated July 20,1996
© 1996 gvega@globe.com.ph
there will be more to come on this page
This page is made by M. Vega (Tanks for all the forms!)
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