Timeline of the Internet

Brendan Millhouser

Jacob Still


Tim Berners-Lee wrote a program that allowed users to click on links to go to different nodes of information. This was the foundation for the future of the web.


Tim Berners-Lee proposes an idea for a way to manage information publicly.


"World Wide Web" is the name given to the project proposed by Tim Berners-Lee. The first web browsers was developed for the world wide web. By the end of the year hypertext files and internet news articles were accessible by the new browsers.


World Wide Web was brought up on CERN machines. Files are made available on the internet. The first E-mail service was applied to the internet. W3 browser invented and installed on Cern computers.


Line mode browser released by an anonymous ftp. About 26 reliable servers came about before the end of the year.


Mosaic, a web browser, is first made available. O'Reilly holds the first www Wizards Workshop in Cambridge. There are now 200 different reliable web servers.


Internet in a box is introduced, which grants access to the internet from people's homes. "Mosaic Communications Corp" is formed, which later becomes netscape. The first international WWW Conference is held. 800 people apply for the internet, and only 400 people are let in. VRML is invented. By the end of the year, there are 1,500 servers.


Seminar is held for 250 members of the European Media. The web is shown on 60 machines for the reporters from Europe. The Web Society is founded.


The internet now becomes a world wide communications tool. The internet is available to the majority of the country.

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Picture of Internet birthplace

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