This is just a Soul Eater links page. Soul Eater: Information and Fandom Links OK let's get some links up in this shit.

Download raws and English subs at Tokyotosho: Download Soul Eater Episodes

There seem to be quite a few Soul Eater clips and etc. here at GameTrailers

There are torrents to be had at Demonoid

Promethean Wiles is a Stein-centered fanlisting

Several zillion Stein pictures here at Photobucket

The official Funimation Soul Eater website, not much there yet, but that should pick up soon

Soul Eater group fansite thingy at Minitokyo

CFUD's Dalek weekend

Mahou's Show schedule listing.

Shibusen, a pretty damn active Soul Eater comm

A comprehensive list of Soul Eater communities, as of Feb. 2009

D-Angel's Journal, translations and general entertainment

Chapeljax also seems to be interesting