Vladan's Homepage


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Right now this page is devoted primarily to Command and Conquer and to my Mix Manager utility.

You might wander why there's no Red Alert page. The answer is: because I don't have time to make one.

As I accumulated a lot of experience on hacking by making this program, I will probably make editors for other games too in the future.
I'm also planning to add some other utilities on this page and some programming and hacking tutorials, but I don't have time for this now.

Right now you can either
* Go to the Command & Conquer page or
* Go directly to the Mix Manager page.

New stuff since last time I updated this site :

*New* Mix Manager 3.51. It won't crash on fast computers (Pentium II or faster) any more.


E-Mail address change

My old e-mail address (i3100785@univ.trieste.it) is not valid anymore.
Please send all e-mail to the new address : bat22@geocities.com


Go to [C&C Page] [Mix Manager Page]


For any questions or comments you can send me an e-mail

Last updated : July 31, 1999
Added this line because I was forced to do so by Geocities to keep this site alive.


© 1996,1997,1998,1999 Vladan Bato