Formerly known as:

MacMasters Macintosh and PC Upgrade and Repair Page

This page is to help people overcome problems that are common in the computer repair industry. We try to provide solutions to problems that the large computer dealers don't want you to know how to fix yourself. We have several years experience with Macintosh hardware and software repair and hope we can answer any questions you have about your computer.

This page is also to give you recent news about Apple Macintosh Computers and to provide a forum where people can give us their opinions on the state of Apple Computer and what should be done about it.

ClarisWorks 5.0 is coming!






For new users who have a problem learning how the operating system works or they want to have the least amount of problems with software should buy a Macintosh. These machines are easier to use when installing software and much of the hardware that your can add is external, so all you have to do is plug it in the back of the computer.

Favorite Operating Systems:

For the Macintosh we recommend MacOS 8, but any system software from system 7.0.1 is great. When Apple released System 7.0.1, it gave the Apple the ability to be easily modified and have multiple configurations with a minimum of effort.

Tips on Buying a new system:

Regardless of what type of computer you own, you should buy a computer that can be upgraded. The computer industry has responded rather well about upgrading by creating upgrades for older machines that were not intended to be upgraded by the manufacturer. The problem is that these upgrades don't perform as well as an upgrade for a computer that was made to have expansions added.

Remember that you want to be able to upgrade these components in your computer:

  These components will allow you to go to new heights if they can be upgraded.

Books to help you:

Any of the Computer Books for Dummies by IDG Books are good for beginners to advanced computer users.  

Many people have older computer systems and have been discouraged from using them because they think that they can't run the newer software on them. This misunderstanding is a boon for the computer manufacturing companies, but is a liability to the consumer. Many older computers (that is from eight to two years old) are able to run the new software as well as the newest Power Macs.

System 7.5.5 will run on any Mac with a 68030 or faster processor, and MacOS 8 will run on any 68040 or better. This allows you to use all of the new features on your existing system. It also means that any new software should run on your machine as well. Even if you have a Mac SE, you can run system 7.1 with most of the features of the newest MacOS. This means that your older Mac can still be useful and run the newest applications.

Software companies as well as computer manufacturers want you to buy the newest machine. This should be expected because these companies are out to make a profit. All new games are created with the mind set that they should use the best computer around (at its creation) and that only that type of machine should be used to operate the game. On the converse, business applications(Word Processors, Databases, and Spreadsheets) are designed to run on much slower designs. This is because most businesses won't upgrade their systems every month when a new computer comes out. So you should keep this in mind when deciding what you want to use your computer for. If you want to play all of the newest games, then your old machine will probably not satisfy you and you should buy a new one. If you want to run a word processor to write letters and keep track of your banking in a spreadsheet, then you should stick with your old machine and maybe add some more memory and a new hard drive. Remember, that most memory and a new hard drive can be put in a new computer when you decide to buy a new one.

I have had two messages in the last few months about compact Macintosh Computers. These are great units and they are the perfect computers for people who don't have a great amount of Desktop Space.

Question #1:

I have a Macintosh Color Classic and I would like to upgrade the hard-drive. I haven't been able to find any books or literature on how to do this. Can you help me?


The Mac Color Classic was the first color compact Macintosh computer and it has some interesting quirks. One of these quirks is that everything is easily upgradable by the consumer except the hard-drive. It is recommended that you buy an external hard-drive because the internal hard-drive is very difficult to get to. It is hidden behind a tangle of wires near the CRT (Color Picture Tube) and it is very dangerous to work around them. If you must have the internal hard-drive upgraded, take it to a certified Macintosh Repair Technician and have them do the work.

Question #2:

I have a Mac Plus and the screen keeps blacking out (when it even powers up), I would hate to trash this Mac after 10 years. I have been told that it is an easy repair by soldering a connection. I am very confident that I could do the work myself, but I need some illustrated instructions to show where to solder the connection. Could you please help me?


You should never do this type of work yourself. Let a Certified Apple Technician do the work for you. You would be working near the CRT and the power supply and these can both build up charges (even after you unplug your Mac). This work is also very delicate and the old monitors in the Mac Plus are very sensitive to any type of disturbance.

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Last Updated 9/24/97

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