Ricque's Computer Lab

Hey, you, please be careful of where ya step. Them thar are computer components lying all about. Shucks, I'm forever trying to put things in order and keep this page neat so be patient.

Thanx for your understanding and patience!

BIO Bits:
For the record, I was born on November 6, 1940, in the Klages family home. (Mom was afraid to go to the hospital) GRIN!

I'm a disabled veteran (Vietnam) with 24 years experience as a Systems Engineer in the computer industry. I currently spend most of my time building, revitilizing and upgrading computers. I also conduct classes in wordprocessing, spreadsheets, Windows, etc. here in the central Virginia area.

One of my goals is to place PCs in the hands of people with handicaps or disabilities and young folk whom can't afford to acquire a system of their own.

This is the result of my conviction that the wonders and pleasures of "Cyberspace" should be available to everyone.

That brings me to the purpose of this Home Page. Any visitors who have similiar interests are invited to offer their input and questions. If I can be of assistance to a "newcomer" to the computer hobby, it will be my pleasure to do so.

By the way, if you are looking for a copy of


please go to Linda's home page by clicking on the link below. The most current revision/update, (r&ls_v70) was released December 29, 2005:

Linda and I standing in front of the Poplar Springs Baptist Church

Page updated on: December 29, 2005

(me, my daughter Dale & grandson Brandon)


Picture taken at the V.A. Hospital in Hampton, VA. 1993

I can also be E-mailed at the following addresses:



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Ricque & Linda's Hideaway

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