cited 900x
colleagues I promoted
SPEAKERS invited
awards 2/2005-1983
Jobs I denied: from Nobel prize winner etc.
Hello, this is one of the hard to find Apollo butterflies (Parnassius appollo). Note: I was able to take pictures of these Apollos in 1983, 2004 and now again in July 2006 in exactly the same location at around 1000m above sea level at one small mountain valley - but not in any adjacent valleys, mountains, forests or lake areas.
"PicoCyte" is mentioned as one of the leading teams in "Life Science" of this years competition of more than 70 teams: "MBPW aktuell" - newsletter, July 2006 !
"PicoCyte 2x IN THE official GERMAN NEWSPAPERS - and once in a newsletter of a GERMAN MINISTRY of education !!!"
1) May 23rd, 2006: 'Mainzer Allgemeine Zeitung' (a medium big Mid-German journal near Frankfurt) - Link: http://www.main-rheiner.de/region/objekt.php3?artikel_id=2393449
red. Das Mainzer Team von Prof. Olga Vinogradova und dem Dr. med. Robert Eibl wurde für seine revolutionäre Geschäftsidee "PicoCyte" vom Münchner Business Plan Wettbewerb (MBPW) als besonders gut für die zweite Runde des Wettbewerbs nominiert. Ziel der Geschäftsidee ist es, ein Unternehmen zu gründen, um Nanotechnologie als gerade für Deutschland so wichtige Schlüsseltechnologie mit der Medizin und Pharmakologie zu verknüpfen und langfristig neue Medikamente vor allem gegen wandernde Tumorstammzellen zu entwickeln ."
2) May 25th, 2006: 'Reichenhaller Tagblatt', a smaller, more regional Newspaper for south-eastern Germany and adjacing Salzburg/Austria:
. . . . . . . 
Prof. Vinogradova (left) at a recent bussiness talk with Dr. Robert Eibl (right).
3) PicoCyte/Prof. Olga Vinogradova/Dr. med. Robert Eibl also mentioned recently on May 23rd in a newsletter from a German State Ministry of Education, Women and Youth (state of Rheinland-Pfalz: Ministerium für Bildung, Frauen und Jugend)!!!
4) ...also mentioned on www.foerderland.de
We currently are one of the leading teams at the advanced stage of this years Munich Bussiness Plan Competition (MBPW). Here is the citation from the webpage of the MBPW presenting 13 nominated teams in total (short paragraph in German):
Ein wesentlicher Teil der Geschäftsidee besteht darin, “picoNewton”, d.h. kleinste Kräfte in Echtzeit zwischen biologischen Molekülen zu messen und diese Technologie auch an lebenden Systemen (gr. Zelle=kytos; engl. “-cyte”) und für pharmakologische Tests anzuwenden. Die Entwicklung,Testung und Zulassung neuer Medikamente, insbesondere auch gegen alle Arten wandernder Krebsstammzellen, soll dadurch für die Pharmaindustrie verkürzt werden.
Team: Dr. med. Robert Eibl, Prof. Dr. Olga Vinogradova
Short presentations at 2006 scientific conferences and meetings:
1) June 2006: "SPM 2006", "Scanning Probe Microscopy, Sensors and Nanostructures" Palais des Congres, La Grande Motte/Montpellier, France (a famous international conference every year at different continents). Thanks to the organizers, especially Prof. Christian Le Grimellec and the CNRS/french government for partial support.
2) May 2006, 2nd DKFZ-Alumni-Meeting (Founder/Organizer: Prof. Dr. med. P. Bannasch, supported by Prof. O.D. Wiestler), DKFZ, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Heidelberg, Germany
3) March 2006, Stem Cell Meeting, Heidelberg (Organizer: Prof. Dr. med. Otmar D. Wiestler), DKFZ, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Heidelberg, Germany
4) Febrary 2006, Biophysics Meeting, University of Linz, Austria; partially supported by University of Linz, thanks to the organizer, Prof. P. Hinterdorfer.
5) December 2005, Biophysics Lecture Talk at University of Linz (invited by Prof. P. Hinterdorfer)
6) summer 2005: meeting lecture, Nanotechnology, Gene Center Munich
7) GRC, invitation CANCELLED by Eibl, January 2006: GORDON Research Conference, GRC, California, USA
One easy way to find most of my cited scientific contributions is to copy this link to your browser:
But for those of you being familiar with the better (but not free) citation finder should really use that other one, usually available in libraries and universities.
Please note, with the link above you will only find contributions by RH Eibl (and not "R" Eibl) - which in the future may also lead to find other "RH" Eibl than myself (which doesn't seem to be the case in early 2006) - as it is by now already if you searched "R Eibl" (you will find papers from other one or several other R Eibl than me but including of course my contributions).
Ronen Alon, Ph.D. confirmed my AFM projects:
"I happily agreed to collaborate in our overlapping field of interest, enjoyed the numerous long and fruitful conversations and, very recently, have been delighted to develop with him the most accurate experimental design for our first collaborative project on rapid modulation of integrin activity by chemokines ... "
He also confirms about one of my ongoing projects: "... we three discussed in detail a project which would enable us to analyze by AFM adhesive interactions between Jurkat T cells and model substrates bearing VCAM-1 and immobilized chemokines."
Vincent T. Moy, Ph.D. also confirmed my AFM related expertise:
"In particular,
the expertise in the AFM technique that he [Robert Eibl, MD] has gained while a member of Dr. Hermann
Gaub’s group will be an important asset in his proposed research.
To assist Dr. Eibl in achieving his fullest potential [... blablabla snipped]. Dr. Eibl will also be able to consult with collaborators such as Dr. Ronen Alon
(Group leader, Immunology, Weizman Institute, Rehovot, Israel; presently Harvard
University, Boston), Prof. Dr. Horst Kessler (Head of Organic Chemistry, Technical
University of Munich, Germany), Prof. Hermann E. Gaub (Head of Applied Physics,
LMU – University of Munich, Germany)."
 Hi There,
to climb on this slippery rock in the U.S.A. with no ground for over 1000m is dangerous - and meanwhile it became forbidden (LEFT pic). Therefore, I can't recommend to do this, but I like the pic so much since at that great day the sky was full of fog except for these seconds, so you can see the waterfalls in the background. Nowadays, I enjoy much Snowboarding in Austria (RIGHT pic: Kitzsteinhorn, spring/summer 2005). Thanks for visiting my webpage. To view the whole first page you need to scroll down.
"Irv", Irving L. Weissman
From his official profile at www.stanford.edu: "... the Weissman laboratory has pioneered the study of the genes and proteins involved in cell adhesion events required for lymphocyte homing to lymphoid organs in vivo, either as a normal function or as events involved in malignant leukemic metastases."
Nobel Prize candidate, "California scientist of the Year 2002", Stem cell pioneer, Immunologist, Pathologist, Developmental Biologist; Stanford University, U.S.A.:
"Robert Eibl came to me ... with a very fascinating finding. ... have been delighted to watch him develop the project... to an important set of publishable findings. ...he [Robert Eibl] is extremely good, and ready to enter either a senior postdoctoral position or a beginning research position..."
Eugene C. Butcher
500.000$ Crafoord prize 2004, i.e. Sweden's other big prize earmarked for fields not covered by the Nobel Prize (Co-winner with Timothy A. Springer)
".... that Robert's observations represent a significant contribution to the field. Moreover these studies were pursued with remarkable independence by Robert. ... he [ Robert] clearly has the potential to contribute to our understanding of the mestastatic process. Like Irv, I feel his record of independence and his scientific accomplishments make him ready for either a senior fellowship/associate investigator or beginning independent research position..."
Paul Kleihues
former director of the WHO cancer research center IARC, France:
"...Ich kann ihn [Robert Eibl] deshalb für eine Tätigkeit in der medizinischen Grundlagenforschung bestens empfehlen"
(unfortunately the only letter of reference I got from my very successful research time with Otmar Wiestler and Paul Kleihues at the University Hospital in Zurich is written in German - both MDs are recognized experts for phenotyping brain tumors microscopically as well as genetically and have an impressive quantity of publications in this field - but never could provide me with a letter of reference written in english to continue my carreer outside one of the smallest medical disciplines, neuropathology)
Ivan Stamenkovic
(when he was at Harvard Medical School):
"...your work is of high relevance "
KLICK HERE for -> references during Medical School (recommendations for Fulbright Comission, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, and Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)
5/2006: 'nominated' temporary member of the 'American Society of Chemistry'
2006: Member of the German Society of Physics
2006: Member of the German Society of Chemistry (pending)
9/2005: Member of the German Society of Immunolgy. Thanks to two references from LMU Munich and DRFZ Berlin!
Eibl's law 2004 :-) "It won't be that easy to win a Nobel prize !"
Eibl's law 2005 :-( "Even with the most brilliant and pioneering research results - but with no academic parents - it is impossible in Germany to become an independant scientist and professor at a University. I strongly discourage even the very brightest students to study biology, physics, chemistry or medicine - there is no equal opportunity to "non-academic kids" in Germany ! !"
 Robert Eibl, MD (left) and Otmar Wiestler, MD, director DKFZ Heidelberg (right)
This pic taken from the newsletter of the german cancer research center (1/2005) - showing me winning a prize for my interdisciplinary work between cancer research, biophysics and pharmacology. This very likely was my best presentation ever.
-please scroll down this page to read about my current prizes-
NEWS - May 2005
"ON AIR" in bavarian Radio stations BR2 and BR5 about the situation of German scientists going to or returning from the USA:
May 09, 2005 Bayern2Radio: "RadioWelt", interview by journalist Karsten Boehne
May 15, 2005 B5 aktuell: "Das Campus-Magazin" - Bildungspolitik (education/politics)
CRITICAL ABSTRACT - Boston Sept. 2004/Harvard Faculty Club
Robert Eibl, M.D.
University of Miami, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Miami, Fl, U.S.A.
Germany's research foundations over the last decades did not appear to be very successful in supporting really new developments in science. Instead, they
rather sponsored the import of 5-10 year old developments from the USA. Therefore, returning German scientists often can't find a suitable research
environment in their home country and choose to stay abroad contributing to the 'brain drain' of German scientists. The new technique presented here uses Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)-based force spectroscopy to study integrin outside-in and inside-out signaling
through CXCR4 activated by SDF1. Using this novel technique immediate affinity changes of VLA4 binding to VCAM1 can also be investigated on a single-molecule
level and on a living cell. The hesitation of German research institutions to fund this new methodology
seems to add another example how Germany waits for new techniques and methods in science to be successfully developped in the U.S.A. and elsewhere rather
than supporting the invention to take place in Germany itself.

The MIAMI BLUE: (one of?) the rarest butterflies in the world - 'caught' on photo only!!!PLEASE NOTE: you may see four dark dots in a line - an otherwise extremely similar looking but very common different species in Florida doesn't have the 3rd (little) dot in this line!!! My old and rather cheap car has a similar blue colour as the real "Miami Blue" - one of the rarest butterfly species in our days. It was declared extinct after hurricane andrew in 1992, but six years later one very small colony of about 62 individuals was found again in one of the Florida keys. An expert from Oxford mentioned that 3-4 decades ago this species was quite common at least in the southern half of Florida. One reason why this species disappeared besides this last colony could be that it is more sensitive to anti-mosquito insectizides than other species. I know living in Florida in summer would not be possible without fighting the mosquitos regularly by planes.
MBPW 2005 wrote (abstract in german)
"DR. ROBERT EIBL wurde erst vor wenigen Wochen für seine aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten auf
dem Gebiet der “Messung der Zelladhäsion von metastasierenden Tumorzellen auf Einzelmolekülebene”
vom Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum in Heidelberg ausgezeichnet. Er identifiziert sich seit Beginn
seines Medizinstudiums vor 20 Jahren mit der Krebsforschung, die ihn an international hochrenommierte
Forschungsinstitutionen u.a. in Heidelberg, Zürich und Stanford University (USA) geführt haben. Seit vier
Jahren verknüpft er sein langjähriges Forschungsgebiet mit der “Atomic-Force-Microscopy” (AFM), die er
in München und Miami wesentlich weiterentwickelt hat, um unter möglichst physiologischen Bedingungen
ein völlig neuartiges Mess-System zu entwickeln, mit dem er bereits hochinnovative, pharmakologischen
Messungen an lebenden Zellen und gleichzeitig an Einzelmolekülen und ‘live’, also in Echtzeit durchführt.
Ein aktuelles Ziel ist es, die Sofortwirkung von sog. “Arrest-Chemokinen”, insbesondere auch SDF-1, das
bei der Metastasierung von Brustkrebs eine grosse Rolle spielen soll und bei Immunzellen für die
schnelle Integrinaktivierung verantwortlich ist, zu untersuchen und die Wirkung von Inhibitoren auch in
der in der Signaltransduktion als Therapieansatz zu nutzen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeiten sind auch
bedeutsam für die Immunologie und zum Verständnis der Arteriosklerose.
Durch die Verknüpfung unterschiedlicher Disziplinen aus Biophysik und Medizin, bzw. Immunologie und
Pharmakologie, ist eine neue und hochpotente Wissenschaftsdisziplin entstanden, die als
Pharmakologische Biophysik bezeichnet werden kann helfen wird, den Mechanismus der
organspezifischen Krebsmetastasierung aufzuklären und neue Therapien für Patienten zu entwickeln."
GOOD JOB WANTED: AFM, single-molecule, chemokines, integrins, cancer metastasis , molecular biology, medicine, in-vivo microscopy
Please send offers by email. I will consider any interesting job related to my current research - I prefer a group leader position which should be very independent in a scientific sense to further develop my unique model system combining state-of-the-art nanobiotechnology and pharmacology on living cells on a single-molecule level. I see myself as the driving force and inventor of this new technique. Unfortunately, the two biophysics labs where I established these experiments decided to fall into my back, not even pay promised flights and I didn't even get a refund on supporting a student - they now even steal my collaborator. Therefore, I need any useful lab environment, fast, - with the possibility to develop my own startup company in this field. Since my background is medicine (incl. metastasis research, pharmacology), molecular biology/immunology and the necessary part of nanophysics relevant for AFM measurements I'll be able to start such a lab from scratch.
possible countries: worldwide, preferred: Germany, Switzerland, Austria, but USA (visa takes 6 months...),
I will consider any of the following positions: German or other university (assistant professor, BAT Ib, C1,2,3, W2), Max Planck Institute group leader position, Company group leader position, Research Center group leader position.
In June 2004 I won an award of 500 EUR (about USD 600) at the German Cancer Research Center, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany for:
"Single-molecule adhesion forces on living metastatic cells"
"The award was dedicated for originality, scientific merit and excellent design of the presentation.'"

here is just pic from one of several nominations of the Munich business plan competition "MBPW"... which I won only once 'as a one-man-team'.
My businessplan won a prize
MBPW-AKTUELL, p.2, 1/2000; see "awards"
my NOMINEE's comment on video
Society of Immunology (Adhesion molecules) - since 1993
Gesellschaft deutscher Naturfoscher und Ärzte (Society of scientists and physicians) - since 1992
and a political party in Bavaria (CSU) - since 1999
Here's my (original STANFORD)
OLD WEBPAGE 1997-2000
EMail: not available
LAST updates: 2000 / 2002 / 2004