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Welcome in cecchino's Homepage!
Music, developing, softwares, games, etc....

Index of Archives

Midi files - and Wave files

[English]   There are a lot of Midi files which I composed.
           All rights and trademarks reserved.

[Italiano]   Tutti i files Midi che ho composto sono qui.
           Tutti i diritti riservati.

 Developer - Visual Basic, Visual C++, Grafica 3D, ecc...

                    ENGLISH VERSION                             ITALIAN VERSION
                          not ready.....
  There are: news, source code, examples, programs and downloads          [Italiano]   Qui potete trovare le novità, gli esempi di codice,
                for all developers.                                                                              i programmi e scaricare tutto ciò che serve agli sviluppatori.

 Software - all about software

[English]  The world of software: shareware, freeware, links, news,
               my preferences.....and.....Windows.

[Italiano]  Il mondo del software: dallo shareware al freeware, collegamenti,
               novità, preferenze personali e Windows.

Game on Line
        Enjoy yourself with a fun game online

                       Under construction..............


    Last updated: 28/4/99

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