He is the Linux Penguin, isn't he cute?? Ed's Homepage

Welcome to my home page!

Hi! I'm a Computer Science graduate from The University of Calgary. My resume is available here. In 1996/97, I finished 3 work-terms with Nortel Networks in Ottawa. These work-terms are required by the university's internship program.

My new site

My interested included hiking/backpacking, snowboarding, photography and many others.

Here is a recent photo of myself.

Linux Now!L inux is a UNIX-like OS that run on PCs. It's powerful and yet best of all: FREE! I'm using it at home, and the workterms I finished at Nortel were also Linux related. But be warned, it's not for novice and the faint of heart. The learning curve to Linux is quite steep at the beginning. An overview of Linux is here. If you want to know is Linux for you, check here.

I started using Linux dated back in 1995, my 1st distribution Slackware 3.0 on CD. It is a very stable and powerful OS for me.

So, everyone have watched Titanic now (I guess). You probably didn't know, the visual effect in this movie was done on a bunch of DEC Alpha workstations running Linux!! Check this out.

HOT! Do you know FreeBSD was used to produce the special effects in The Matrix? The rendering farm was put together in a couple of days. Now, this is powerful! Check this out!

I hope you like my homepage. Enjoy!

These are some useful links:

*Information Sources, Search Engines & Lists * My Yahoo!/ Slashdot.org/ Web-o-URL/ My AmphetaDesk
*UNIX, Networking & Other Computer Stuff *Humors, Fine Arts, Calgary & Outdoor
*PC Hardware, DOS, Windows/95 & NT *Military Stuff
*Programming & Languages Information *Multimedia, Entertainment & Games
*Embedded, Wireless/Telecom, PDA and Digital Camera Stuff *Stuff Related to Hong Kong & China
*Linux Related Stuff *Stuff on Web/HTML
*My Bookmark

Here's my Projects/Small Hacks:

These are my friends' homepages:

Some Applications for Multimedia & Netsurfing:

Course related materials & local interest only

FEEDBACK Note: I can be reached via my Bell Sympatico or Yahoo account. Suggestions and comments are welcome, but flames will go to /dev/null.

Created at 09/07/1995
Last updated
Edmond Yirk-Man, Hui

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