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Mt Roskill   623 4336
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Computer Fair
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Master Computer  Ltd
importer of quality PC hardware

November 1999

E-mail Order

Best Price policy

External Zip Drive 100MB $195 Only
64MB SDRAM $110

AMD333/IBM333 $690
32MB RAM, HDD, CDROM, Keyboard, Mouse.

PII – Celeron 400-500MHz $890
32MB SDRAM, 4G HDD, 44x CDROM, 56K Modem, Sound Card, Keyboard, Mouse.

PIII 450, 64RAM, 13G, DVD, 17” SVGA,  $1690

Monitors: 14' fr $80, 15' fr $150.
Windows 95/98: $195
Upgrades on the above systems and systems by order are available.

Pll Celeron 400 and motherboard $250.
Pll Celeron 400, Super BX motherboard with sound/AGP Cards $335.
Pll Celeron 400, PC100 motherboard with sound/AGP/56k modem $375.
AMD/IBM 333 CPU and motherboard $210.

64MB $160, 32MB RAM $89, AMD450 $130, AMD350 $85, IBM/AMD333 $75, UDMA HDD 13.5GB $280, CD Re-Writer 2x $290, 4x fr $390, Modem 56k $49.

New parts may come with RTB warranties. Used parts are sold with working guarantee.

GST Excl, big discount for buying with cash and quantity.

Prices are updated weekly, please visit us regularly.

Subjected to change, E&OE.

PC100 Motherboards

M741LMR-ATX or


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Supports Pentium III 450- MHz , Pentium II 233- MHz and Celeron 266- MHz CPU with 66/100MHz bus in Slot 1/Socket 370. Ultra DMA 33/66.
Built in: 8M buffer AGP, PCI 4 channels Sound, 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet LAN, 56K Fax/Modem  (NZ permitted).

More Motherboards