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You are visitor number to view my web page! (Since 06/30/96 at 11:00pm MST.)

Welcome to my home page! In case you couldn't figure it out, my name is CyberMike! If your looking for kewl computer sounds and stuff, then this is probably the place for you! Please, please, please let me know what you think about my page. Have fun!

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Check out Mike's "Sound of the Month" at CyBeRMiKe's CoMpU BoOm BoX!

Or just find some KeWl LyNx to surf around in!

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This page is not at it's best right now. It is still undergoing changes for the better.
In other words, this page is STILL under construction!!

Is there anything at all you wanna tell me?? Drop me a line.


My pages were last updated on: at MST.

This web page was created and designed by CyBeRMiKe ©
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