Dick Efnor's Home Computer Support Page

Dick Efnor's Home Computer Support Page


Home Computer Support Page

Home Computer Support
Hardware Specifications
Web Page Creation
Reference Sources
Other Stuff

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Welcome to my home computer support page. Since I am a computer professional and have been for over 25 years, I’ve tried to put some of the things I have learned out here on the Web. Several of these pages answer questions I get frequently, such as what to buy for a home computer (Buying a Home Computer), Building a Home Computer, Upgrading a Home Computer, Troubleshooting a Home Computer, Hardware Specifications for home computers, and help with understanding computer viruses (Computer Virus Help). Software Sources has primarily pointers to software that I recommend and use. Computer Support Stories are little episodes that have happened to me or been told to me first hand.

Some of my pages provide information about web page creation. Web Tips covers some of my own personal opinions about building web pages. MIDI Collections and Graphics Collections are primarily links to sources of MIDI and animated graphics files.

I use the Web for a number of different purposes. One of my biggest usages is as a reference tool for finding information. My Reference Sources pages contains links to a javascript Quick Search Engine, Metasearch Engines, Popular Search Engines, Other Search Engines, Directories, News Sources, Maps and Travel Information, Dictionaries, on-line Magazines, and many Other Reference Sources.

I’ve also included a couple of pages for fun. The Other Stuff pages include links to web cameras and other Devices on the Web, Electronic Greeting Cards, and pages that are just plain weird (Weird Stuff). Questions to Ponder includes some of life’s questions that don’t seem to have a logical answer. Personal Links are a few links that I’ll include here that have made my life easier and provided practical uses for a home computer.

Stop back again, I spend a lot of time surfin’ the Internet, so I’m constantly adding new things to these pages.



e-mail refnor@mgfairfax.rr.com

Last modified: 08-29-99

accesses since July 12, 1997

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