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After a year and a half of pure laziness, the time has finally come to update my web page. I will slowly be making changes as the days go by, so please check back often to see any new features.

Like every other page on the WWW, this page is officially ...
[Under Construction]

Palm Tree line

Give your browser a minute to load the pictures and next time it will load much faster. Here are some things you should have to enhance your Internet experience...

Click here to see myPersonal ProfileMozilla is Peeking
Click on this image to get to my list of bookmarks.[Cool Links and Bookmarks]

Keeping in touch:

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed your stay. Please e-mail me even if you have nothing to say, just so I can know who visited and so I can add your name to my address book. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

My E-mail address is now hillelr@aetvn.com or hillel.rokowsky@aetn.com

Important! Before you go, please read this disclaimer.

Download the Crescendo! or Crescendo Plus! Plug-Ins for your specific operating system and browser now. Then return and hear music as it downloads.

Now Playing in Rocky's Jukebox.....
The Eye of The Tiger

Use the buttons to control play. Use the small red slider to change the volume, and any other area will take you to the Live Update Home Page. You can also conveniently right click and use the controls from there. If you see a white, stretched image, then your Crescendo is not configured properly, but you should still be able to play the MIDI file as a regular MIME type with your helper application. If this all sounds like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo then either go back to the Crescendo home page for more help, or me with the problem.

If you're interested in easily creating your own web page for free then contact Geocities.

Click Here!