Your one stop homepage for multi-media entertainment.

[Me holding a paper w/ a large F]

"Me in chemistry class..."

Document last changed: December 28, 2008


I graduated from The Ohio State University with a BS in Agricultural Engineering (yea it is no longer called Agricultural Engineering, they left us blowing in the wind).
Currently, the Engineering Data Specialist for 3DVision Technologies. I do a little blogging for them as well.

During the day you can reach me at:

Hawaii pictures are now on-line!

Nobody just ties tin cans to the back of newly weds cars anymore

Other stuff I do...

Lions LogoI am a member of the Canal Winchester Lions Club and past district governor for District 13F.

The friendsSanta and the Stars of Christmas. Nicholas, Kamala & Caden

The friendsThe two KoolAid lovers

SillyThat is my hat!

Tag TeamTag Team


The Typical Link List

*My favorite web site: The Dilbert Zone

We never landed on the moon.

Other Sweeney's home pages

(If you are a Sweeney and not listed here join the reunion and tell me about your page!)

Sweeney, Steve

Self portrait on a soap box

This page was not produced with the aid of NetScape, Mosaic, MicroSoft. Just me and a plain vanilla ASCII editor. -The way homepages were meant to be made. This page will not look any different if you are using Netscape version 984 or some cheap old shareware program. For crying out loud guys..pick a standard and stick with it!

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