Welcome to Mercury!
For perspicacious perusal

Major Sections:
Programmer's Paradise: [Standard] [Stripped-down]
VGA Planets: [Standard] [Stripped-down]
Why is the Sky Blue? [Low graphics]
Links: [Standard] [Stripped-down]
Other Stuff: [Standard]

Standard: Netscape 3.0 or better is recommended.
Low Graphics: Should work in any browser, but will look nicer in Netscape.
Stripped-down: Text only. Will look about the same in almost any browser.

Feedback goes to Soy Bean
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There've been about people through here since November 20, 1997.

Yup, I'm a weirdo. I'm supporting the green ribbon campaign instead of doing the blue ribbon thing like everyone else. Free speech is cool, but I wouldn't exactly mind if people practiced a little bit of restraint.


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