
Welcome to my homepage

Hello and welcome to my humble web page. This page needs updating, but I'm a bit busy at present. Why not have a quick look now, then please pop back later and check out the NEW, IMPROVED version.

My name is Stephen Fenn and after six long years at UMDS, London, I've finally qualified as a Doctor! After six enjoyable months on the wards of Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals doing Surgery, I'm now at Lewisham Hospital doing medicine. A bit more about me.

At present I only have a few links to put on my page, but I hope to improve on this (as soon as I think of something else to include).

Elective Trip and
Kiwi Experience 1998

Gran Canaria '99

Try my HTML Guide for answers to your common HTML problems.

5th by name - 1st by nature!
The Highcliffe Scout Troop homepage.
Find out about the activities and camps happening now.

Click on the map to find out about my home town, Christchurch.

Given half a chance, I'll do some more to my current project - building a VRML world. Unfortunately, it's not going very quickly at present.

Check out the people I've met round and about Geocities Friends.
Have a chat with someone in one of the Geocities Chat rooms.
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