Hi! I am Boris shafir

My Portrait
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Please take some time to check out the pages below. Just click on the image in the first column to see them.
Counters to and from important (and not really) dates 
Information about these pages 
Information about updates
Computer Stuff
My Java applets (games like Legavka, Fifteen, Bulls and Cows etc) 
My descriptions of some MSX games (Nemesis, Hyper Rally, Road Fighter etc) 
Links to various hardware manufacturers (IBM, Compaq, Gateway etc) 
Links to software and games repositories, Java and Javascript tutorials
My Travels
Pictures from my travels in USA, Europe and other parts of the world
My Royal IRC Gallery 
Various pictures of me and my friends
World Cup 98 pages 
Euro2000 pages
Dynamo Kiev (Ukraine) Pages 
Other soccer-related links


 Send your comments to imperusha@yahoo.com

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